
As someone who grew up in Texas and has lived in California for 35 years, I can tell you there is more nuance to this issue than either the post or many of the commenters are suggesting.

It’d be great if Musk’s minions declared en masse: “Like HOLY HELL we’ll move to that nazi cracker state! Seek to dictate what a woman can or cannot do with her body? Turn the public into Gestapo turning each other in? NOT HAPPENING MUSK! To Hell with Texas!”

Oh no! Not like that!

A Konami designer begins work on a Suikoden pachinko machine and somewhere a monkey’s paw curls a single finger.

Look how they massacred my boy....

“Nowhere to go but up” would have made for a pretty great slogan for the (ahem) launch of No Man’s Sky, now that I think about it.

Please go the fuck away, people like you are why we will never again get an actual fucking Ghost Recon game. I mean no one in the community asked for this bullshit, if they wanted to make this a new game without the Ghost Recon name attached I wouldn’t care, but for fuck’s sake stop helping these asshole drag the

I know, It’s like asking “I have no idea why a Toyota Corolla is $10,000 less than a Honda Accord.”

I’m sure the extra foot of length and 100+hp advantage has nothing to do with the price difference.

My uncle died of covid (I watched it happen on FaceTime), and people at my mom’s Catholic church keep telling her that she’s “stupid” for believing the doctors. They know her brother is dead, and they call her “stupid” to her face. In church. Two of my brother’s best friends have said that Nancy Pelosi pays each

Who is this “we” that you are talking about? We all know who is responsible. Why won’t you state that unequivocally? Republicans. Trumpists. Antivaxxers. Religious zealots. Ignorant fools, trailer trash and general pieces of human shit. Fox News.

This fucking insanity is all traceable back to Trump. Romney, McCain, all the Bushes, Dole, their politics are shit but they wouldn’t have committed the country to self-destructive policies out of spite, or stupidity, or whatever the fuck Trump’s “reasoning” was to turn masks and vaccinations into a political hill to

Empires come and empires go. The Roman empire lasted 2000+ years. Impreial China ran for about 1,000 years. The US will be lucky to make it to 300, but given enough mismanagement it wouldn’t take much to collapse and splinter.

There is no disaster that can’t be made worse by having an idiot in charge and this whole mess proves the point. Now Biden is Captain, but half the ship has already mutinied, so fixing things is going to be extremely difficult, if impossible.

I’m not really talking about “fixing the pandemic.” I’m pointing out a difference between the two parties that I think isn’t really stated bluntly in mainstream political media. I.e., that the Democrats, for as flawed as they are, as beholden as they are to corporate interests, as much as they indulge all sorts of bad

1918? What would have happened 20 years ago before widespread home broadband internet was a thing? Most companies could not have functioned completely remotely 20 years ago.

Trump knew how dangerous the virus was, and lied to the American people. He knew it would spread quickly in urban areas, which tend to be Democratic.

There are a lot of areas (primarily in communications and messaging) where the Biden administration and other Democrats have not handled this pandemic well, and deserve to be criticized.

Covid-19 may not be as bad a disease as the worst flu pandemic ever recorded in human history.

Hard agree, I too have been really disappointed w /the Biden administration’s handling of all this. Compared to the non-existent — shit, the actively deadly —GQP approach, Biden looks pretty good. But that bar is basically in the cellar.