
I feel like a large portion of Fox News viewers are conditioned to think that anything that’d take the channel off the air just reinforces the idea that the liberal elites in *checks notes* Chattanooga are trying to bury the truth. To them, everything is a big conspiracy to suppress “conservative” views.

Yeah it feels too good to be true that old people wouldn’t have anything to addictively rage watch during an election year.

My right wing aunt and uncle down in Australia are blaming their current fire woes on the Green Party that apparently is so powerful that they could single-handedly prevent the forest floors from being raked and cleaned of dead wood and fuel. 

But but but it’s one of the most interesting scenes in the film!

I wouldn’t blame them if the edit was political.

I’m sure Don Jr. and Fox are outraged that us Canadians are not good, loyal, obsequious Americans. How dare we not respect our President.

hey if it means we don’t have to endure any more right wingers fanaticizing over trump, i wont even complain.

Right wingers don’t have the capacity to reason with logic. Regardless of which nation they reside. It is a sign of mental deficiency and callousness. I suspect capitalism perpetuates and creates more of them as it rewards those without empathy and short term gains.

Right wing forums in Canada are full of people trying to blame Liberal PM Justin Trudeau. Oh the egg on their face when it was revealed that this occurred 6 years ago under former Right Wing PM Stephen Harper (of course not that the PM is personally editing movies for commercial time) but it’s funny that commercialism

Watters’ reaction is genuinely creepy.

Dear Leader was the most interesting part of the movie!

You should cut a plot-critical character (the pigeon lady who saves Kevin’s bacon at the end in an identical manner to the creepy snow-shovel neighbor in the first film) so there’s more time for Dear Leader!

Until this very moment I didn’t even remember the movie.....let alone that Trump had a cameo in it.

The worst thing about the Trump’s and their insane cult followers.  They never apologize or feel embarrassed when they’re wrong.  In fact they’ll keep pushing the lie no matter what. 

I wish I could get a DVD copy of the CBC cut. If such a thing exists, please let me know.

Because it's exactly the type of thing he would do if people would let him. 

“It was a liberal edit. If you want to edit for time, take out the crazy pigeon lady in Central Park,”

For the love of god, just let the sun swallow this planet as soon as possible please

well, i know some broadcast stations cannot broadcast nudity, so they had to remove the scene showing a massive boob.

#1 - He forced himself into that movie. He wouldn’t allow them to film at the Plaza unless he was in it.

It’s funny too because the cameo is only there because it was demanded by Trump if he was going to give permission for them to shoot at The Plaza.

This does nothing but solidify the fact that anyone who votes for Trump is a complete and utter moron. It was cut out 5 damn years ago. For 5 years they remained ignorant of the edit and it wasn’t until now that they notice.