
Maybe the Suicide Watch folks needed more specifics on what to watch for... like, suicide. 

He was hung with polonium sheets.

Anyone else notice that Trump hasn’t returned to Maro Largo since the whole Epstein scandal began

In Soviet Russia, suicide watch you!


“Tito Anchondo also told NPR that his family members, Andre included, are lifelong Republican conservatives, and that he wanted to meet with Trump to see if he had “maybe some kind of remorse for statements that he’s made,” presumably the comments about immigrant “invasions” that the El Paso shooter echoed in his

Yeah, Trump is shit. But, really. The people WORKING for him have to be worse, right? Is there not a sympathetic creative working with this organization? The reason there are so many amazing photos of our other presidents showing respect is because 

Donald J. Trump is a psychopath. 

absolutely #2. look at them. look at his uncle fuckhead.

I thought I hated Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers...

Yeah that picture is too much for me. The baby makes me want to weep, and Trump’s thumbs-up... just... what the actual fuck, man. You soulless fucking monster. I hope your death is slow, painful, and lonely.

this makes me throw up.....holy shit...and smiling with the child....fucking respect orange pig. hope he dies a horrible done with him. using a baby as a prop...after the babys parents died protecting the baby and daring to smile....

This visit wasn’t a trip to console the victims and heal the nation’s divisions. It was a victory lap celebrating the culmination of his racist and hateful influence.

Presidential photographer:

look at that baby’s face - even he’s all like GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

Later that day Melania bathed in the baby’s blood.

Tito Anchondo also told NPR that his family members, Andre included, are lifelong Republican conservatives, and that he wanted to meet with Trump to see if he had “maybe some kind of remorse for statements that he’s made,”

The audacity of this guy and his drugged out Slovenian mannequin wife to due that to that poor baby, it’s beyond the pale of his normal evil. 

Trump’s made me realize one thing about myself. I’ve never truly HATED anyone ever in my life...until this motherfucker. I thought I hated Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers...turned out it was more just being another loathsome Lions fan.