
“Sure, he’s inspiring racial violence and is pushing America into chaos as alienates all of our allies. But he is killing it for my portfolio, and I’ll be dead by 2050, sooo....”

I'd pay $100,000 to have the part of my brain that can visualize or hear Trump excised, is that an option?

As an Ashamed Republican in Hiding, I just want to wish a momo-fuk-u to Ross and Trump and all the other racist shitbags.

Mercedes, 1939: “While we disagree with the Fuhrer’s racial rhetoric, we support him on other things, like the Autobahn.  It’s possible to support someone without agreeing on all policies.”

There was probably some sort of trade and there’s a Mr. Willie Knob at the embassy in Washington.

Not only is NASA taking pictures directly of and on the surface of a neighboring planet, but they’re driving a big, freakin sweet RC car successfully from millions of kilometers away. Thanks for sharing.

Welp, looks like I finally have a clever name for my account.

There was probably some sort of trade and there's a Mr. Willie Knob at the embassy in Washington.

but that is the whole republican mentality in the first place; zero empathy until it happens to “me”

I’m sorry, but if you donate to a political campaign, you are making a public statement about whom and what you support.  In that limited sphere, they are not private figures anymore.  They made a choice to get in bed with Trump, and that’s something that deserves public shaming at this point.  Sure, there’s a chance

The Orange Curtain is falling:

I mean, Pete Wilson is big reason California is a deep blue state now.

Well, you “both sides” motherfuckers can shut the fuck up, I know that much.

This is as far as leftists generally go: putting the info out there with a legally-acceptable wink and a nudge and that’s it. 99.9% of the time someone goes full San Ysidro and it comes out that they’re a liberal, it also comes out that their attack(s) were more the result of them being nuts rather than radicalized

It’s a surprise to younger people who don’t realize that California, not 25 years ago, was a Republican stronghold. LA and San Francisco were pretty liberal, as were many of the coastal enclaves from San Luis Obispo up to Eureka. But, all of Orange Country, Contra Costa County, the Inland Empire, San Diego, the

Oh for the love of sweet baby Jesus please bring back the R. It is very much going to be my next car when I’m finished my current ride in a couple years.

The problem with the ‘good guy with a gun’ theory is the racist crazy hillbillies who are doing the mass murders imagine they’re the ‘good guys’.

This is the new-style right wing disinformation tactic.
It was just a week ago that right wing propagandists were pushing the notion that ‘racist’ is a meaningless word that they’re now going to ignore. After the shootings it became ‘white supremacists’ that is a meaningless phrase. These are the same folks who tried

Paging Jon Stewart to the White Courtesy Phone.  American society desperately needs a second, epic, Tucker-Carlson-Loses-His-Gig Smackdown, please.

They are not white supremacists in their minds because they want a different nickname, something more heroic like “defenders of freedom” or something. But like anyone above the age of 13 knows, you cannot give yourself a nickname, at some point in life you get a nickname from someone else and that’s the one that