
Good post. I do however like my Stadia. You should check out the newly released Div 2 on it. 60fps 4K (however upscaled). It murders the One X version of the game.

Heh exactly. As a SC fan I’m tired of these stunts Ubi pulls. 

It was artwork. 

Haha great response. I’m so tired of these right wing types who never see their own hypocrisy. 

Yeah I didn’t get that part at all. I think what he isn’t saying is “I’m bored of the Stinger now and I want a BMW badged coupe.” That’s fine! But just be honest, man. 

Yeah I don’t get this whole “we are falling down” stuff. 

I agree with all of the points. I didn’t know Romulans spit acid now. And why isn’t Earth security responding or detecting any of these attacks. They have a weird archive building would think they don’t need such large physical servers by 2410 or whatever. I dunno. I’ve wanted a “move forward” series since

Why would the Romulans attack Mars and divert a Starfleet flotilla meant to come save them from the supernova? Weren’t both at the exact same time?

From the same people who yelled at GM for not bringing it over. It happened trice. Once with the G8 and then with the SS. Same results. And then they wonder why car makers don’t give a fuck about “enthusiasts” anymore. 

And don’t forget these are the same cars guys were yelling at GM for years to bring the car here. 

First of all, it’s in Toronto, not “Ontario, Canada”. I mean, yes Toronto is in Ontario but you can just say Toronto. You don’t say “Ohio, USA” if something happens in Cleveland.

Are you joking? They have worked out the secraterian issues? Yes, by murdering hundreds of thousands of Sunni civilians, you fucking jackass. And if they sink one goddamn US carrier, then they will lose Tehran. So fuck em. 


Leftwinger here. MSNBC is garbage. 

Don’t worry. Donny is shitting on us but even in his own country, 80% of the people would probably celebrate if he kicked the bucket tomorrow. 

Mamma mia that’s beautiful. 

Hah same and I’m only 35. 

No Xbox? That’s weird. 7 and 2 were on the Xbox. 

I get surprised how little coverage this point gets and how much of that is contributing to Trump’s presence. And I say that as a Protestant myself but one of the normal ones (Methodist). 

I’d rather play this thank Gimped-by-VR-Life.