
That's almost as complex as getting my girlfriend turned on.

Hate this turn in GT6!

According to my experience in GT6, that corner is very difficult. It always seems like you can drive a little faster and brake a little later, until you get to the corner and realize how screwed you are.

From my experience in Gran Turismo 6, I can confirm how insanely confusing that corner where most cars crashed is. It always seems like you can drive a little bit faster and brake a little bit later... just very difficult to analyze. And the DB7's accident is another place where you'll frequently slash the side of

Reaction time and Elapsed time are completely separate measurements from eachother, yet are both important. Reaction time measures the time from when the light goes green to the time that the front wheels break the starting beam, that's where Jason lost 0.035-seconds, at the very beginning of his run. Elapsed time is


Fear threshold and Italian drivers

I feel like most of the situations where a hobby kills a relationship it's usually due to the other partner not having a hobby. For example if you spend say an hour a night on a hobby like wrenching and the partner is left sitting watching soaps since they have nothing else to do it can create a rift. Everyone needs a

CP. It's fucking HORRIBLE. Not only have they savaged a C2, they made it look god awful. I don't get why anyone would say NP based on the fact that it's a C2. It WAS a C2. Now it's a C2 with a badly fitting British suit in Riddler Green. Seriously, I thought it was some sort of 70s British roadster at first. God knows

I can genuinely say that the countless belt problems my dads car had, it saved him from 9/11 because he works a block away from Ground Zero and this car just so happened to break down on the Brooklyn Bridge that very morning. I would like to thank Chrysler for making a car that didn't work because it did save my

I went right to the Tomy wheel

now the image makes sense!

Uh, pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude. Lambulance? I'll show myself out.