
Y'know, I kinda of get his comments about not wanting to be in genre movies for the rest of his life. He has that uncomfortable looking armor in Thor (which he was then hung in the air while wearing), that ultra-snug suit and the physical taxation of the "Jaeger rigs" in Pacific Rim and now he gets to join the Ron

I read the first trade of the comic and was pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure if I liked it enough to see it adapted, especially considering some of the more troubling elements of the comic.

It's definitely Alien. It's not exactly fair to the rest of his filmography that I'm such a huge fan of those films.

Glamourpuss sounds like the most awful title, by the way.

It's weird that the older I get the more I just appreciate fun superhero comics (Captain and Ms. Marvel, Howard the Duck, Squirrel Girl, Deadpool) and some "odd" stuff (Rat Queens, Sex Criminals, Wicked + Divine, pretty much anything Kelly Sue Deconnick touches). I still love "artsy" stuff sometimes, but I've grown

Where's my extended version of Nine Inch Nails' ultra rare song "I Like Dudes"?


At this point I've just given in to the fact that it's just not for me. I tried it from the beginning and it just doesn't click.

I might lose some nerd credit for this, but fuck it. Cerebus is the one comic I don't think I'll ever "get". I've tried multiple times to read it (sometimes from the beginning, sometimes from where I left off) and it just is equal parts annoying and boring to me.
(A small part of me wonders if it's because I was

At the very least I don't have to hear anybody complaining about her character which I never found to be that annoying. People were way too harsh about it and I was just like "She's the same as any other 'really quirky' character in these movies, she's just played by Kat Dennings. WTF?"

Kinda not surprising considering how pissed she was about working on the second one.

I look forward to hearing whatever bizarre news halts production this time. We should start a "mishaps that screw up Gilliam films" pool.

Wait, wasn't that part of the plot of The Fisher King?

My favorite description of Kevin Smith will forever be the one I lifted form FilmDrunk: "Jorts-ensconced taint enthusiast."

This is actually dead on. The older I get, the less I enjoy Duke Nukem and it's sense of humor and mechanics and Duke Nukem Forever felt like a very poor love letter to something I never realized I'd grown out of. Much like every Kevin Smith film. I've either grown out of the ones I used to like or any new one feels

It was mostly Kvothe continuing to slut shame while at the same time he became the typical "fantasy guy who can do no wrong and is desired by even the Queen of Fairies". I thought that maybe he was going to learn something when he was learning from the warrior clan that sex is just sex but nope, of course it doesn't

I love the Nolan films but will always be the first to say that Mask of the Phantasm is the best Batman movie.

I'm gonna say that I don't need much more explaining. As someone who loves dream logic movies and understands non-linear narratives quite easily, I feel like I understood it all.

I just watched it for the first time earlier this week. (I love Lynch's work but was worried because everyone, even my creative writing teacher from high school, hyped the shit out of it.) It's worth the hype. It owns. (Also as someone who is still in a dark place getting over a cruel person that I romanticized, the

The only part of Super Troopers I still enjoy is "Enhance. Enhance. Enhance." The rest of the movie I could care less about.
(I've never made it through Caddyshack.)