
There are people who would like to see friends of mine dead and Chappelle has declared he stands with them.

This does kinda feel like it’s 8+ years too late. The game’s community has already gone down the shitter and been thoroughly flushed. Getting rid of the all-permeating toxicity at this point is going to be hard, and this isn’t going to cut it.

As someone who has been playing league since closed beta I fully welcome this change. They should have done so sooner and honestly think Riot doesn’t go far enough. They should overhaul the ingame ping system and add voice lines for everything that you need to talk strategy with your team and then disable team chat as

Nobody who plays LoL should be allowed to talk.

It’s about a... wait for it... car.

wait you make less than $6000 per year?

This machine electrocutes fascists.

I’m going to have to ask that the Marxman be renamed the Marxperson. We really need to be gender-neutral here, as all genders are trapped under the oppressive boot of capitalism 

what you have to understand about Conservatism in America is that its really just Neo-Fascism seeking to return America to the slave state of old where labor is oppressed and The Party has carte blanche to harass and eradicate all cultural outliers.

What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.

I bet my left nut that his parents make voting choices based on “law and order” and who’s “tough on crime”.

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.

And Hollywood can tell him to go f**k himself.

I mean, yeah? He can destroy all good good will regarding the franchise he built from the ground up if he wants.

noble monsters?  well id like to react to that, but i cannot.

“Let’s layoff all the flight attendants and bring a bunch of guns on board” can only help things.

Are you suggesting that white conservative men don’t have enough representation?

I feel like I’ve had this same discussion on Kinja several years ago. It baffles me and somewhat angers me that people are so emotionally attached to a company whose marketing messages become “spoilers”. Not only that, but I’ve always failed to see the difference between someone leaking that X exists and Nintendo

“Nintendo could announce X. Maybe we’ll hear about Y. I heard they may even bring back Z!”