Ender Wiggin

I lost it when the medic got out of ambulance already on fire haha.

the whole thing was so fucking fabulous and insane.

i fucking love that they owned all these people being 16. the young girl getting her period and coming out an adult? yes.

This made me both laugh out loud and nod in sagely approval.

I’m starting to think that’s the best way to play too. It’s a little more enjoyable and even more efficient than gathering all the question marks and then doing the quests like I did at first.

Now whenever I look at my cat’s huge yellow eyes, all I can see is Johnny. It’s a tiny bit disconcerting.


If she were a ditzy-airhead publicity hound, I’d be the first to agree, but she seems to want to make a legitimate effort to educate here.

I know, it’s like, “Be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do, but don’t do it in a way that crosses paths with my consciousness because that stirs up uncomfortable feelings inside me and I like things to be a certain kind of way, like when people I’m comfortable with are the only ones visible to me and

She’s been famous since the 70s. I think you have a warped perception of time.

It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.

This is why I’m going to wait until all the DLC is out and just pick and choose what I wan’t. Never trust a publisher offering a season pass when they haven’t shown anything of what it includes.

LOL like I would tell.

fallout is the best.

I want (optional) co-op SO F($%^@(*ING bad D:

>Lemon grab a divisive character.

I know right. I feel like spending that extra ten minutes on Eilene being bent out of shape because brandy made a bad joke about her Norman bates house could have been more usefully served covering these greater issues of import.

Our children were created for friendship with Christ. Before anything else, this is their chief purpose in life: to be Christ’s friend.

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

I feel like playing football in your racist, God-forsaken city is punishment enough, SLPOA