
Another fascinating story about EVE. I’ll likely never play it, but I do love reading about it.

Looking forward to Monday’s column declaring the Bruins as the leading dark horse contender for the Stanley Cup.

I think it’s ridiculous you have Pulisic getting a hat trick in each leg. Please be more realistic about this kid.

The idea is to work through the proper steps to resolving the conflict, not make an inappropriate response tamer.

I mean... maybe just have a hard look at your life choices...?

Some women make the choice to continue an unviable pregnancy , not because of doctrine, but because they want their baby to be an organ donor.

I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m 100% on her side and 100% opposed to the alt-right. On the other hand, her special was not good. I’m a fan of her show, and I liked her movie a lot, and I liked her previous special, but this one sucked, frankly.

“I wonder whether her legions have felt for years the same sharp pang of protectiveness that I’m feeling at present.”

I think some people are confused because they grew up in houses where no one would be overly critical of the President and are afraid their children won’t respect institutions or authority if they lay out the inappropriatenes. I think that’s an over blown concern. My parents were very critical of presidents and I went

and mistresses

Thus, making abortion financially viable for no one but Republican elites’ daughters.

Testosterone, while technically not a vitamin, could help.

100 percent this.

Oprah’s got a pretty terrible track record of people she’s foisted on the unsuspecting public: Chopra, Oz, Dr. Phil, among other bad choices — she gave Jenny McCarthy a platform. I’m not sure I trust her to pick good advisers that she’d listen to.

Nope. My dream president is someone that has experience for the job and has proven themselves as fighters for our country. Politicians that have dedicated their lives from their first municipal office to where they are today. Politicians that know their constituents; Politicians that have spent their careers making

Oh for fuck’s sake. This isn’t a fucking game. If you actually have the self awareness to stop and think that “I don’t have the experience, I don’t know enough,” then DON’T RUN. Please. We’ve already had enough of that. Of course Oprah would be a better president than Trump, but what exactly indicates she’d be a

Sorry, she’s really not. I don’t want a celebrity President even if they are liberal. I want a policy wonk and an experienced diplomat. Sadly, a small fraction of the country did not and they have doomed us all.

Is she, though? Because I very strongly do not relish the thought of Dr. Oz being anywhere near the leadership of our national health system.