
If Jesus walked again the GOP would arrest him and try to deport him as an illegal immigrant.

Not liking a video game doesn’t equal abuse.

And Canada Geese are assholes anyway

They’re terrible in Manitoba too.

Your PC party is trash and is nothing to be proud of.

Because Kavanaugh is being vetted to be a Supreme Court Justice not a random blogger and because he hasn’t admitted his behaviour was wrong.

Give it time

Hot : Warm : Chilled : Cold

And remember to read the reviews. Who wants to spend all the effort of planning a trip just to find out the place is full of trees and has no parking?

Do you understand that the good doesn’t outweigh the bad and that doing “good” is actually their job? They’d get more credit for their good members if they actually did something about the bad ones.

I didn’t take it negatively, just figured it something along those lines and took a guess. Thanks for clarifying!

Normal Ass Regular People? (I haven’t seen that before)

You’re using “erudite” incorrectly.

Helping people and hurting people aren’t equal but different. Taking a stand for equal rights isn’t the same as taking a stand against equal rights.

It’s always funny when people like you try to act intelligent. Don’t forget to use a thesaurus next time to make it really convincing!

People get in arguments all the time without resorting to violence or killing each other. What is it about these 2 people that makes you think they’re predisposed to violence?

I usually compare it to the midwest, but that’s probably just the optimist in me.

Trust in Gita.

They just want to be told they’re the best regardless of whether it’s true.

Calling someone “one of the best” isn’t condescending. You’re just used to the blind praise and adulation that Americans heap on everything.