I may have accidentally replied to your initial post—with Kinja, I can never tell. I was referring to the kid in the Sean Connery clip. Gleeson is, indeed, great.
I may have accidentally replied to your initial post—with Kinja, I can never tell. I was referring to the kid in the Sean Connery clip. Gleeson is, indeed, great.
Best unofficial Alien universe movie ever.
Jesus Christ, she was being fucking nice. Her asshole friend assumed they were doing something wrong, when really they were just trying to go do something fun and couldn't afford it. She assumed that there was more to the story than them being "up to no good," went and asked - a novel concept, I know - and was right.…
Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.
Tom Bombadil is 100 times more interesting than the fucking elf meet up that follows.
Toshiro Mifune as Obi-Wan Kenobi
Always giving a f*ck when it ain't his turn.
An obvious choice: "When Jimmy McNulty ain't policing, he's a picture postcard of a drunken self-destructive fuck-up. And when he IS policing, he's pretty much the same motherfucker but on a good case, that's as close as the man comes to being right." (*sniff) I miss The Wire.
While I am no big fan of cats, I am fascinated by the fact that, of all the domesticates, the cat is the only one humans haven't managed to change at all over millennia. Sure, you get different colors and different hair quality, werewolf cats and those poor things that look like Gollum, but basically a cat's a cat.…
A little harsh to blindfold it though, it probably thinks it's being led off for execution.
I'm gonna start compiling a list of io9 articles who's titles would make for great/terrible pick up lines.
I would submit that the Sopranos changed storytelling not just in content, but format as well. The 13 episode season, seasonal arcs, visually it became more cinematic... It paved the way for almost everything that followed, and how it would be created... And not just on HBO.
I swear to god, once this ice bucket challenge started the portrait video uploads has gone through the roof.
The ending to Brazil blows me away every time. The movie has followed the Hollywood narrative -hero is happy, hero is wronged, hero fights, hero loses, hero comes back and wins - and then it doesn't.
You really need to get out more. Only one hangover in your life, and you've never thrown up? C'mon, live a little.
One, more or less — the Final Cut, in 2007. There were never any versions prior to that where Scott had complete creative control, even the 1992 "Director's" Cut, which he was only given minimal input on. Lucas has had the final say in every single version of Star Wars released.
In all fairness Scott did the Final Cut and that was it. The "Director's Cut" was more a case of "Hey, Ridley, if you were going to recut Blade Runner what scenes would you use/not use? Can you jot that down for us so our editor can make it happen?"
Not boring, but, incredibly conventional?
Lea Thompson (who DEFINITELY had her fastball working in that movie).