
@Millah: Y'know, many—if not most or all—of the Giz Editor crowd have long been fairly vocal proponents of naked gadgets. So that's not the case with them, at least. I personally like how my Incredible looks, and don't see much point in having a case. I personally know only one person who has a case for his

@xcharliemx: Well, the implication was definitely there. I mean, the two real issues with glass are scratches and, more catastrophically, screen breakage, after all. And most people don't know that these are technical terms. So it's no surprise that people are under the impression that the screen is less likely to

@m57: Myself and my friends? Zero. I can't really speak to my coworkers, but at least a handful of them would probably mention it if it happened. People I know mostly have iPhones and HTC phones. Several BBs, an LG and a Nokia. Probably a few others I'm forgetting. Some don't feel a need for a case, some are cheap,

@m57: I know exactly one (1) smartphone owner with a case. I don't use a case. None of my coworkers use a case. Only one of my friends use a case. I did see some guy walking by me the other day with an iPhone with a case, but in short, I see shittons (that's a technical term) of naked smartphones.

I'm curious as to why the iPad would be faster, given the fact that it has the same processor, a larger display and less RAM. Is the iPhone's A4 chip clocked at a lower speed to improve battery life, since it doesn't have the monster battery that the iPad does? Is it maybe the multitasking overhead in iOS 4?

@Pessimippopotamus: I like my UPS guy. He actually knocks, and I've seen him around my neighborhood, obviously being careful with packages. I telecommute, so I'm usually around when he comes. He's cheerful and friendly.

@xcharliemx: Let's be careful not to confuse hardness (resistance to scratches) and stiffness (resistance to flexing) with toughness (resistance to fracturing). They specifically call out thirty times harder and twenty times stiffer, but say nothing about tougher or stronger. And probably for a reason. There's a

So Steve Jobs showed up?

Thing is, this would seem to me to clearly "duplicate functionality," (despite the addition of the swiping abilities for the keyboard). Seems to me that Apple can't really win on this one. If they reject it, they lose out on a wonderful keyboard (though from my experience with Swype so far, I actually seem to prefer

@fooogama: Curse. I was hoping it would, too. Sigh. At least there's a decent app that we can use in the meantime. You've probably already seen this, but just in case people haven't:

@uncle_jojo: Why do you think iPhone 4 includes HD video recording? If they're lucky, the next version may have 1080p.

I'd just like to add that Verizon has their own (utilitarian and unattractive) My Verizon app for Android where you can look up current usage data. I imagine most VZW Android users have it already, but it's probably worth mentioning nonetheless.

@Kommisar: It comes from Greek if I recall correctly.

@Michael Scrip: "Did HTC or Motorola have any communication with Google when designing their Android phones?

"...there's still something very refreshing about hosting your own stuff."

@Souji Tendou: Not certain that this is what you're complaining about, but number 1 sounds like you need to go tools menu > folder options > general tab > navigation section > check "automatically expand to current folder"

@timgray: It might behoove you to read the article. Or even the description.

@noroom: He may not and they may not, but there's plenty of reason to think they might. It would hardly be the first time, especially of late, that an approved app got pulled after the fact. If you've been reading here or Giz and you're not completely oblivious, you'll be all too aware of that. The fact that some