Okey... is this stealing or is this cross-promotion? o.O .
Okey... is this stealing or is this cross-promotion? o.O .
Okey... is this stealing or is this cross-promotion? o.O .
Maybe true, but I would rather say that the Wii U is going into a sleep mode and awakes when we use it :-). Like, I might use the NX more in the future, but it doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t use my Wii U at all even as a tablet ;-).
Not sure if “dead” is the right word to use, but yeah the Wii U haven’t really succeeded commercially or sales-wise ;^^, but by Nintendo fans hearts yes :-). Most of the reason why the Wii U haven’t succeeded in the mainstream is because there have been a bad cycle of unfortunate things affecting the Wii U and a lot…
If you still need help in terms of Splatoon, feel free to comment to me :-).
Also there is a new Testfire for Splatoon soon in Europe and in America and I would say the Testfire is like a free beta where you just play for a while the servers are up :-).
You are welcome Sloopydrew and I am happy to help you :-).
Sorry if this is a unnecessary comment for you and I know you have gotten a ton of replies ;^^, but I wanted to share this video with you :-). I love listening to this video even if I am not watching it and the song is perfect for exercising ^w^, ;-).
I am pretty sure you know the Wii U has more than one game and the Wii U does have a fair amount of games :-). If you tell me what kind of game genres you like I might be able to help you ;-).
Play Splatoon as it is really fun ;-).
There is local multiplayer in Splatoon :-), but it is only for 2 people and you have to have a classic controller or a pro controller ;^^. Still the local and offline matches you can let you and friends switch between playing :-). Each match online only last 3 mins so it should be manageable ;-).
Hi Sloopydrew :-). I am not sure if I can answer your questions perfectly, but I will try to do my best.
You don’t have to buy the Wii U yourself... you can get your family to buy a Wii U for your birthday and Christmas in general as it then Xenoblade Chronicles X is coming out ;-). Also there should be coming a Wii U bundle with Xenoblade Chronicles X I think :-).
Chromide... I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but I would rather take this as a realization more than anything else :-). First of I do understand in terms of backlog and money that you might not want to buy a Wii U, and I think that is completely fair.
Okay... my head screams Wii U, but seriously as a Zelda fan and a Wii U owner I would love to play Clouds Below on my Wii U ^^. I know it is probably a long time before I will get Clouds Below on my Wii U if not the NX, but I have to say Clouds Below look really promising and fun :-).
Well you can always hope around Christmas or you birthday, or you can buy a Wii U for your own money ;-). I would say Splatoon is worth buying a Wii U for and especially after this update ^^.
I would just reply that playing Nintendo games like Zelda made in to a better person in terms of being truly mature :-).
I think a part of the problem is that it has been engraved into peoples and I also mean non-gamers mind that Nintendo is only for “kids” while they are really for everyone. Also the attitude that Nintendo is “dying” also plays a role as it make owning a Nintendo more unappealing ;^^. Still I would say it in on the Wii…
No problem ^^.
I know other people than just me have been bombarding you with comments as they want to help too ;^^. I recommend you to check the Virtual Console games before buying a Wii U and if you want I can check for you if you have anyone specific you want to know about :-).