
Agreed. The doxxing was way out of line. I live in a rental in NYC and we recently got a letter asking people not to smoke in the hallways. I’m surprised that if she went to the board nothing came of it. That would probably be my first line in this saga (“I went to the board and nothing was done”) - I live in a not

THIS. I try to see female doctors when possible and will never see a male gynecologist.


Pearl Kim is Asian. Mary Gay Scanlon won in a field of 10 where there was another Asian candidate, Lindy Li and a black male candidate, Thaddeus Kirkland.

Sir, sit down!

I feel so much for Nessie growing up under the shadow of her murdered siblings. I don’t find it cute and charming when the mom talks about how she most wishes her murdered siblings were there with her. Good lord. This child has a heavy load to bear.

willfully misreading the comments isn’t very helpful. acting like these people don’t have a choice in regards to their bigotry against women, immigrants, other races, other religions, etc, isn’t fucking helpful.

nowhere does this commenter say that they did it all themselves with no help from anyone. if you can’t hate a racist for being racist, you’re either a troll or one of those rare superhippies who thinks it’s a bad idea to hit nazis in the face.

Same here. my brother’s girlfriend’s family are all drug addict hillbillies (she has like 7 brothers and all but ONE of them are in prison right now) but since they live in a town of like 200 people (most of whom are her shit relatives), somehow my nieces (ages 4 and 6) are safe to run around unsupervised at home. but

As always, I am here to offer a compromise to as seemingly intractable problem.

I have never felt like a defense of mental illness applied to this woman. Mental illness isn’t a social construct that should be applied anytime someone does something horrific that doesn’t appear to follow social norms. Some people just make the decision to harm others out of spite, vengeance, selfishness (look at

At one time when I was walking, I had Lulu, I told Lulu, “Lulu I don’t feel good,” and she would say, “What’s wrong? I have to go to the bathroom.” I went to the doctor. He gave me another appointment.

My ex is totally like this. The Man is keeping HIM down, so he deserves food stamps and subsidized housing, but he votes Republican (although he thinks of himself as a Libertarian) because everyone else is a lazy moocher. Meanwhile, he owes me $30,000 in back child support and our kid is 21.

I’m curious if you listen to the podcast Embedded? They recently did a story about the “war on coal” and followed people in Appalachia for over a year after Trump got elected. It was enlightening to say the least. Here in Minnesota I think it’s kind of a similar thing in the iron range counties that flipped from Obama

I remember, as a poorish white person, how in grade school, you were discouraged by your peers to do well in school, like pursuing ignorance was a badge of honor.

I remember, as a poorish white person, how in grade school, you were discouraged by your peers to do well in school, like pursuing ignorance was a badge of honor.

YES. This is my family. They say I’m a liberal elite because I worked two full-time jobs while going to school full-time and then took any job that showed me a part of the world or society I wasn’t familiar with (I worked on film sets). They’ve done nothing to improve/educate themselves or even see anyplace beyond

ALL OF THIS! In the same damn breath they can come out with that bullshit and it pisses me off that they don’t see how obviously racist and hypocritical they truly are.

Sounds like where I grew up. The reason I’m poor and unemployed is because all these other people/groups are holding me down. The reason that black person is poor and unemployed is because they’re too lazy to use the bootstraps god gave them.

Them: “Show me an example of structural racism.”