
Not being snarky, I really don’t know: How to whale watches (like the marine biologist-led watch in Monterey Bay) and bird encounters (like at the aviary) and aviaries in general fit into this? Does going on a guided tour to see whales in the wild harm the whales? Are owls etc at aviaries drugged up for the

I agree, and expressed similar sentiments downthread. A parent’s job is to meet at least the basics of their children’s needs, and no child asks to be born, so I don’t see where the mother character gets off on treating her daughter like shit for being a child with needs (a safe school).

This mother character sounds emotionally and verbally abusive at worst, emotionally unstable at best.

I so wish I could leave, so congrats on getting out (seriously). There are a lot of things I appreciate about the US. But it is hard to enjoy those things when like, I had no ADA protections for my last job, and was forced to quit and blow through savings. /whine

Are you in a country that gives somewhat of a shit about its citizens? Do you have no choice but to move here? I don’t mean to be patronizing, but the US sucks, and did long before Trump. If you don’t have to come here, then don’t.

Seriously? Wow...

The anti-choice crowd and white supremacy are two sides of the same coin.

Watching this now-rented it on Amazon Prime video in SD for 2.99.

Because you are obviously British (any British ladies, feel free to chime in here) but how do you think the UK views abortion vs. America? Are there strong anti choice views across the pond? Is abortion covered under the NHS? Is it because England kicked all the Puritans out and stuck them over here that their

Or what if the pregnant person finds the cure for cancer, but with having a kid she will not be able to get to school or work because of the utter lack of support for working parents?

This is a sweet story. Grandmas are the best :)

AHHH that ending!!

Yes! Work is a huge factor, too. I’m thrilled that my work offers six weeks paid “maternity” leave (really, disability leave) so *maybe* I’d get, with FMLA, 4.5 months with the kiddo. And that is bullshit! And sadly more than what most Americans get. If I want more time, I’d have to quit my job, blow through

Oh I meant during the pregnancy itself, like what if something bad happens and I can’t get medical care because of the anti-choicers encroaching on everything.

This is terrifying.

I hear you. The absolute absurdity of the plot turned me off reading for a long time, too. It’s a huge investment in time. Although, I do recommend the “novella” (her novellas are more like normal novel length haha) The Scottish Prisoner. It’s Jamie and Lord John Grey-focused and they go on an adventure to Ireland

I read all the books except for most of Dragonfly in Amber, because good god....and unless you are hardcore emotionally entwined with these characters, book 3 is a good place to finish reading. I personally do not think that the show should go beyond book 4. It would be waaaay too much.

I guess the production budget all went to the zombie polar bear :p at least there is fan art!

The Irish Elk is one of my favorite mega fauna/extinct animal. :) I sae a reconstruction (or maybe it’s not a reconstruction?) of one at a natural history museum, and I couldn’t stop staring at it. BtW, don’t know if you are a Game of Thrones fan but I was kind of bummed that Cold Hands rode in on a regular horse

This is wonderful! The library played such an important part in my life as a child (and adult!). I wrote one of my first stories using the floppy disc patrons could aign up for :) And now that I have a Kindle, Overdrive is the best thing ever.