The Bullshit is too Damn High!

Ah teenagers, so ignorant of the world I remember when I was one. However even as a teen (when I was much more conservative and religious) I was never racist or sexist and I never put up with those who were. I mean Caucasian people are what 10% of world population don’t save up the hate people.

I think it should still be around but why daily...why not like two or three times a wekk? Course I enjoy the Spicerfests everyday so for pure entertainment please let them continue.

I wonder how many traditional districts are simply due to low voter turnout and suppression?

Nope I don’t worship your god or government. I want government to work properly and fairly but worship? No. And here’s a kicker Cheetolini the government says I don’t have to worship anything, like ever and I can still live here and have all the same rights and stuff. In fact Freedom of Religion should really be

I thought so but for some reason at that moment I couldn’t remember.

Well if you despise the pure selfishness of the libertarian view and want to be able to have talking points to throw at them about their ‘bible’ then yes you would. It is a chapter by chapter breakdown of why Ayn Rand is full of crap.

Technically it has to be pretty obvious your motive had to do with their protective status i.e. Dylan Roof. But I have a feeling any cop killing would get this tacked on because cops...private prisons...etc

Really can’t argue with all that at all. And no sadly I am not familiar with your commenting. I only recently started up here.

But we elected the Cheetolini who feels exercise just leads to death faster, so he may honestly in his little tiny amoeba sized brain think this is a good thing.

I agree to a point. But having been on and off the working poor myself I know that two big things help to get more voters to the polls as a real democratic government should encourage:

The only reason I include religion is just how much blood and murder has occurred in god’s name. While humanity has gotten better overall about that two things stick out about it more so than other chosen groups imo:

For your enjoyment then the best take down of Ayn Rand I’ve found yet:

Yeah that was my only silver lining was less military interventions. Then he learned bombings make press say oooh so Presidential! And now he’s buddies with Kissinger...

Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million. So no the majority are not idiots. The majority either have poor access to election locations or the times they are open. Voter suppression and the electoral college are idiotic.

No it isn’t their fault for voting for another candidate. (Mind you I voted for Hillary as she was sane even if there were issues and no I don’t mean email) the fault lies with our slavery appeasing system of the Electoral college. And the lack of a multi-step election like in France.

Yes but as long as those leaks do not actually give out classified info it is not a crime.

Damn, this is awful. My sincere sympathy for the family. There is no way to make this right.

But he has faith that the South will rise again! I mean it’s in his name Jeff ‘Sec-”Sessions! Coincidence? I think not.

For it to be a hate crime it needs to be something inherent to you (skin color, sexual preference, gender, and I will include religion on here but only depending on the circumstances) not a job you chose to do. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

Wow so much hate in the schools all of sudden I cannot fathom where its coming from and why people think it is okay to say it out loud now.