
I love her so much.

Depends—-was any sort of fruit in it? Maybe a fruit he specifically told you not to eat?! Eve, I'm looking at you....

Plus sometimes you get free cake and a public domain birthday jingle at restaurants!

I feel like Christians like her are on shaky ground beliefs wise if they think 1 book series will turn their kids into devil worshipers. I was obsessed with Aztec gods and goddesses and didn't leave the church to start worshiping Quetzalcoatl (also called Morning Star).

Years ago I was in a pet shop with three love birds for sale. The two yellow birds had coupled off and were sitting doing what love birds do. The third, bright green one sat further over on the perch—and was spinning, doing loops, while practically yelling, "Wheeee! Look at me!"

After my last move (two years ago), I realized how much crap I had accumulated in the ten years I was living in one place. Not due to hoarding, but just due to forgetting I had bought something that I needed at the time, used, and then filed it away. I probably filled ten trash cans with the stuff I tossed out, and my


As a guy it's good to know that I don't have the only memory cataloging errors. I can literally take two or more separate memories and somehow take pieces of each and turn them into a real memory of something that didn't actually happen. I assumed that I was having some kind of early dementia or something. However,

Seriously! I'm soooo happy this episode was so good! I was worried that another bad episode would have made me lose too much interest. But, like you said, this WAS Doctor Who. The only gripe I had was the same one you had, the comment at the end. Though maybe it's that the Doctor just feels like he is being replaced,

I find your comments eggstrordinary. I can't keep shelling out these compliments, but I want you to take it over-easy this weekend. Always look on the sunny-side up of life, my friend!


You're omitting steps. I'm almost sure there's a soup ladle involved... Isn't there?

Yeah people like that can drown in a cow piss pond and I would not cry a tear.

"Let me tell you about scared. Your heart is beating so hard I can feel it through your hands. There's so much blood and oxygen pumping through your brain it's like rocket fuel. Right now you could run faster and you can fight harder. You can jump higher than ever in your life and you are so alert it's like you can

I drove home drunk last night and made it safely. I'm living proof that drunk driving is not dangerous.

I think what frustrates me the most is that there doesn't seem to be any empathy there. As someone who's acted since her teens, I would assume that at some point in her career Mayim has been asked to do or wear things that made her uncomfortable. If she'd come at this from the standpoint of performers, especially very

I guess that's why Charlie Jane said this episode shows there's no point in arguing about Moffat's Doctor Who anymore. This sort of thing either works for you or it doesn't.

Technically the photo still works- it's just more relevant to a slightly different school subject.

Our souls are forever damned, thanks to streaming music, Facebook, smartphones .. we had to either (unwillingly) embrace it or die inside. Who can stay with the admittedly purer modalities (static mp3 files, single-use devices) and not feel like a luddite? Technology forces us to change.

No, but you can have a cookie :P