
I am possitive the only appropriate response from Marvel is an actual, Carol Danver-led Captain Marvel movie which will kick appropriate ass.

I begrudgingly agree with you. It might just be the inner war being waged inside my head. Good casting choice, but i want to see Grant Gustin play Barry now forever, because I'm monolythic like that.

I'm curious as to how broadcasting rights operates across several territories when it comes to "older" properties. I live in Mexico, and Friends has been on Netflix for a while (not sure if it's the whole series since it's on TV anyway all freakin' day long.)

It is, Meredith. I agree. I'd feel better if I wasn't already so invested in having accepted Gustin as the character, which might create brand confusion indeed, and it also makes me wonder if DC/WB are thinking something along the lines of, "Brand confusion? Nah, the TV show will be loooong gone and cancelled by the

Oh yes, totally. Marvel got out of bankruptcy with the money I spent on those things.

The specialty X-Men covers didn't just feel like a gimmick, did they? They felt like there was truly something important going on. I have all of those and I'm not afraid tp say they MADE MY LIFE BETTER YOU GUYS.

Yes, exactly. Their dynamic is one of the reasons this series has worked quite as well, one I can't remember from before (certainly not on New Who) where, like in real life, the people you love are not necessarily the people you like, and yet you remain because tht's what life is. Clara and Twelve have a complex, rich

My entry into the world of Flash was through the Impulse comic of the late 90's and Wally West as Flash, so I'd be fine with this scenario.

Yes. Their music is awful and terrible, but I've never been able to help myself when it comes to superhero related songs.

You know, I could gladly die the day after this supposed movie opens.

You sir, deserve a shot at being showrunner of your own superhero universe.

thanks. My favorite part is how the show is trying, not resting on its laurels, but trying to grow and challenge and evolve. It might not be for everyone, old fans and new, but what a ride for those of us who stay.

I'm Mexican, and the response to the show here is unbelievable. I attended the World Tour event and it had the largest crowd of all the stops. So yeah, while the concept of mexican astronauts *is* the biggest sci fi concept of all,but I felt it was a nod to us.

I'm usually quite a big fan of your dissertations, despite my disagreements with them. But this time I just feel like saying, and some of us will agree: I'm the audience too, and I've loved this season,flaws and all. Thanks for trying to speak on our behalf, but we don't need it.

I agree with you. Loved it, flaws and all. Love Clara, loved Courtney, love the Doctor and how I felt challenged by my perceptions of what the show might be.

Your tangent about the priest being a good Master is something I do too, Charlie. Every conversation or inner monologue I have about other movies or shows (or songs or food recipes,) somehow finds a way to circle back towards Doctor Who.

Thanks! There was even a villian and everything!

You get asked for advice? No one asks us for advice, they just assume that we were so right for one another we had to meet, somehow.

We are inside either a chatroom or the Matrix.

Remember when there were random chatrooms on random websites you could just enter and Scary!