
I think it's a matter of personal taste. I love everything about Tangled, and the songs are amazing; the reprise of Rapunzel's "When Will My Life Begin?" is one of my favorite moments in animation of all time. But there's something I feel about Frozen's musical numbers (I have a two and a half year old, I rewatched it

A LOT of pot, maybe? And then crack.

Would make for a peculiar pickup line, fall on someone and say, "Hi Betsy....or Nadine?"

It's not? I think the Board of Colorful Education should look into that. Brown can't be the only color with a college.

I used to think my life was secretly a sitcom when I was about five years old. I wonder if it's common.

Exactly. I was always actively looking for ways to spend *less* time with them. Also, I didn't have my picture taken for the yearbook. I wonder how my biographers will fare when in need of a picture of teenage me...

Ah, but don't they also feel like oh-so-highs?

This thing looks like a presidential library that floats.

You know, this makes perfect sense. As the 00's rolled around, Pixar and others became the standard and the animated musical fell to the wayside, which isn't bad, it's just what happened. I'd say it was Tangled that brought it back. While I like it more as a whole, the musical experience is really enchanting on Frozen.

Dumbo is brutal once you become a parent, as is Bambi. Also surprisingly, watching Peter Pan with my two and a half year old daughter makes me tear up, for some reason.

Does the tree need to think no one is around before they fall down? Where do these shy trees live?

I was thinking something even more sanitized, like "Anarchistic Nether Parts."

I've known the hullabaloo about them for a while now, way before thigh gaps became a thing. As a man, I don't think either is true cause for losing your mind about them. I don't get the obsession.

I'd love to see the sound of a squirrel squeaking, a monkey farting, or my father snoring. Any of those would make my day.

Dimples, timing and old money. I think I need some ice cream.

Perhaps the Falafal advertisers got you first, excluding everything else. It happened to me.

Tina would soap and rinse and Amy would put them away. Yeah, that would work.

Some people have it all, it seems.

As I rushed to read this article, I thought it said, "Hitler's Super Gay, says Christian Pundit." I have nothing further to contribute.

Those poster look as if the Ninja turtles are about to star in an 80's aerobics video.