
Rose Mcgowan has been constantly accused of publicly defending a child rapist, Victor Salva. People have been asking her about it every day on Twitter for almost a year now, and she ignores them. When I brought it up on Jezebel I got so many hate messages I had to go off the grid for months. Because people think

Calm the fuck down.

Yeah, that’s why Holland was a non-starter for me, too. He looks too young. I do like him as an actor, though, just not for this.

Thinking about it, Aaron seems to look too similar to Timothee that’d it be almost like uncanny valley

I hope that means her “movie dynasty” is over.


Any property might have been owned under the name of a private corporation or LLC.  Truly rich people never own things under their own names.

He might have lost some of what would a have been his estate in the divorce from his second wife who is also the mother of the child. He might have given her a coop or apartment in the divorce. 

He had a mortgage of 1.1M. The $250K in personal property is likely a little equity in the home with the 1.1M mortgage, furniture, art, etc.

Anthony Bourdain wasnt even formally divorced form his wife when he died. And cheated on everyone. But, sure, lets blame her for his death because she hugged a guy. 

I only liked her in Lost in Translation.  Everything else?  Meh, no thanks.  Just my opinion.  YMMV.

She’s an actress of limited range.

I find her hit and miss. In Don Jon I honestly thought she was just playing herself, it’s the most natural I’ve ever seen her on camera. 

Kate Hudson was great in Almost Famous that doesn’t make her a great actress. Cuba Gooding Jr was great in Jerry Maguire* doesn’t make him a great actor. You don’t have to be a great actor if you’re well cast. We’ve all seen actors who were great in one role and mediocre in the next. I’ve really like Scarlett in

Credits don’t always account for talent. I have no strong opinion either way on ScarJo but there are certainly major movie stars who are not *great* actors. Leo DiCaprio has starred in a string of good, hit movies but in my opinion his performances always come across as if he was basically the best actor in a high

I am in no way trying to rain on this parade, but I’m wondering why all the “YAY, Amy Adams!!!!” I honestly have never seen her in a movie where she seemed even remotely believable in her role. I think I first saw her in “Julia and Julia” and I could only get through the film because of Meryl Streep. Her performance

Arianna Grande is not that hot.  I know, hot take, for real.  

Tiffany has been annointed. She’s going to have to go seriously off the rails to lose her crown. Unfortunately the us vs them world engendered by the internet makes it impossible for someone to just be a person. Jezebel exists to raise people up or bury them. But thats because they serve the mob.

Kevin Hart is not funny. He is popular for sure, but so are bunch of other untalented middle-of-the-road people. And Kathy... Well, she can be funny sometimes, but her brand of comedy is really not for me (I think she mostly does celebrity gossip).

This is a show about prostitution and pornoagraphy in NYC in the seventies - it airs on HBO.