This is all so awful. The public loan forgiveness is going to affect almost everyone I work with- I could see a mass exodus from my field.
This is all so awful. The public loan forgiveness is going to affect almost everyone I work with- I could see a mass exodus from my field.
He’s got better shit. Doctor-prescibed methamphetamines.
I don’t think he ever sleeps.
Seeing as Alex Jones has a body that resembles warm yogurt poured into a hefty bag, I find this fitting.
Jim Alwyn is actually a 26-year-old rising actor who has only been in three movies so far. He also still lives with his parents which is... interesting SMART.
Yeah, it’s time we had that talk.
On one hand: ugh, why?
16 here, and thinking ”you can’t do that, Tay.”
Look, so maybe the woman’s a bit reheased and stilted; that girl can sang.
She is SO weird. It’s funny, because I was rooting for her to win Idol when everyone else was saying that there was something not quite right about her. I’ve come around, though. There is something so unsettling about her when I see or hear from her, now. Like, bad choice in men aside, I wouldn’t be surprised if I…
He looks 13 to me. Granted one with really clear skin but still WAY too young to be thinking sexual thoughts about. *shudder*
Ok, is it just me or do they kind of look alike? Like, I would have believed it if someone had told me that was her cousin. What I guess I’m saying is that I find it completely unsurprising that Taylor Swift is attracted to herself.
That is an ill-fitting shirt/jacket contraption.
I call ThornyDick
I can’t believe Joe Alwyn is 26. He looks suuuuuuuper young. Like, I was thinking that he might even be younger than me (23).
Confession: I can be paid enough to let Kylie use my arm for her Snapchats and be nice and just sit there and have my arm ready and let her do her thing. Precise terms to be determined. Same goes for using my knowledge of MS Office.
I publicly do. No shame.
I had been hearing my friends talk about Men in Tights with such unmitigated glee that I asked my dad to rent it for me when he went to the video store one weekend. I couldn’t remember the name, though, so just referred to it as that new Robin Hood movie. The Kevin Costner version wasn’t even on my radar. Well, for my…
Even discounting Alan Rickman (which I would never do) that film cemented my adoration for Michael Kamen.
Love your user name!