"A dress" -Calvin Klein

What’s so gross about Spade?

True story. I worked part-time at the GAP more than 20 years ago. This GAP was in a major shopping mall and the restrooms were located directly across from us.

“I’m an American. I have constitutional rights.”

He’s had a beard for a couple years now. This was him in April, 2015. Why are people acting like him having a full beard is a brand new, shocking development?

I worked with a woman who had a son and daughter which she named Belle and Edward. She also insisted that the Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey were amazing pieces of writing and totally feminist.

Harry is a nickname for Henry.

I know a family with a ‘Charlie’ and a ‘Lucy’ as the sole children. As in your case, I’m fairly sure it was a coincidence. But I couldn’t help wondering, if they had a third, would he be Linus or would she be Sally?

I feel bad for this kid! His petty crime made international news because of a name he probably already gets loads of shit for.

I feel the same way about Orlando. He’s probably such a tool IRL but he’s so damn pretty.


I so agree. I used to like lawyer shows. Then I met my husband, who is one. And every time I’d watch L&O, CSI, NCIS — all the acronyms — he would provide a blow-by-blow commentary about how such crime detection is simply not possible (think “the electrified pickle”), complete with a lengthy and lawyerly explanation

“Paul Hollywood is the heart and soul of The Great British Bake Off.”

Little orange jumper

“I think Judy Dench is overrated”

 That Jennifer Garner story is missing important facts! Like what kind of kitties did she hang out with? Which ones did she give head skritches to, how many gently headbutted her (out of love, of course), and which ones demanded belly rubs? Were there wrasslin’ kitties, just like there are in my living room right this

Does hair count as beauty? Cause honestly, I posted this in its own thread but I’m so in love I want more people to see.

How did you get chrome nails? I saw that Ciate will be releasing chrome nail polish in June but I haven’t see another brand doing it yet.