"A dress" -Calvin Klein

I defy you, stars!

Getting a raises feels amazing and hopeful. Long summer vacations end, and aren’t so fun without money.

Anybody that picked long summer vacations over getting a raise must not be lower middle class/balancing above the poverty level. Gimme dat motherfucking raise.

I cannot get over how much Hannity talks over Koppel— a well-respected, white, male TV journalist. Like, if he’s willing to talk over Ted Freakin’ Koppel...imagine any black woman who has ever had the misfortune of interacting with Hannity.

Martha Stewart Weddings says it’s custom Siriano, which I was super excited to confirm because that was my first guess. Follow him on insta; it’s like dress porn.

I would have won the healthcare vote if you deduct the 3 million undocumented congressman who would have voted illegally.

Flip side: “Everything is Free” when you are a kid in poverty is just “You Can Afford Absolutely Nothing” so I’m Team Adult Autonomy on that one.

When I am cooking dinner, I pretend I’m hosting my own Food Network show.

Alcohol always wins in my book.

I’ve been sitting here wondering if I can catch up on Legion *and* be in bed by 8:30 tonight. (The answer is maybe because I can’t remember how many episodes I’m behind!)

see now I think the best thing about adulthood is Going To Bed At 3 AM. They should just call it “going to bed whenever the fuck you want”

Now playing

Well, except I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that the reality of the Genovese murder is not very much like the myth, and that her neighbors did call the NYPD that night. Some of them even went to her aid as she was dying. This documentary is really good, and it’s usually up on Netflix.

Spencer ain’t having a good week...

I’ll see your inexplicable toe-on-toilet-paper and raise you a tooth on lipstick.

My roommate broker her nose by walking into a freshman. Had to have surgery because it worsened her deviated septum and she couldn’t breathe.

I broke a toe on TOILET PAPER while sober.

Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.