"A dress" -Calvin Klein

I blocked my mom on Facebook 10 years ago and never looked back. It’s been glorious.

My avatar:

I have a female cousin named Noa and I think it’s cute as hell. Her brothers name is Zaqary though which is just silly. (And now I’ve outed myself completely if any of my family members read this blog hi guys!)

I agree in general about the Cyrus family’s names, up Noah for a girl isn’t that weird. Noa (usually spelled without the H as Noah is pronounced differently in Hebrew than we pronounce it in English) is an extremely popular girl’s name in Israel.

It’s on YouTube.

Hard Pass. Rewatch “Buffy.”

I am convinced that they don’t think that tweeting means anything.

Liam Hemsworth has always struck me as that nice-but-dull guy from work - who everyone likes because he’s reliable and kind - who you presume spends his weekends working on his lawn and helping his kids with their craft projects.

I was thinking the same about streaming the movie! Then I opened a new tab to search for “dick movie gif” for you. Then I thought about what I was typing, and how I would still get penis gifs even with the movie tag.


But he’s already in a relationship!