"A dress" -Calvin Klein


Thanks! This was sleepy kitten during afternoon nap time. Other than nails, I’m not a huge make up person (so not a ton to add) but just ordered some #basic glossier cream blush and lipstick. Also using the NARS liquid concealer which I’m finding pretty dry, actually.

The never ending updates of chrome nails is here. This is over navy blue. I’m not a huge fan but it will do for two weeks (I like the pink underneath better). Thoughts?bonus kitten in the back!

I love this woman!

Haha. Spatula Mousepad.

United we stand! I am with you!

Reese’s are the best candy. Fight me.

Same. But I also cried at a johnny walker commercial the other day so... this looks great!

My mothers favorite saying “you never know what goes on behind closed doors”.

Good post. That is all.

I am no longer a practicing attorney (was for around 4 years), but reminder that attorneys have the highest rate of alcoholism of any profession. I had major issues in my fourth year and wound of leaving the profession because I was in this position. Not saying she had this issue in any way, just that it’s not

I needed this post and this comment today. Thanks!

Karl Lagerfeld Paris. Usually under $100. The two most comfortable pairs of shoes I’ve ever owned.

I ALWAYS tell people when they have something like that on their face, etc. I was out the other night and a woman witnessed me telling a woman her tag was out and alerting a guy who had a ton of toilet paper stuck on his shoe. She called me an ANGEL. I also have come to realize that maybe I’m a little more observant

Three??? I’m going at least 6 years. Granted I don’t go on too many first dates, but at least neither of my parents are pressuring me to get on it.

Thanks!!! I did a Barbie pink underneath so it turned out more rose gold. I used to HATE pink but I’ve been won over.