For the past few years, Tumblr user 1041uuuha has been creating terrific animated GIFs that look like the most…
Stuart Brown’s fantastic YouTube series A Brief History Of Graphics starts in just about the most perfect way…
Arkham City was released on October 18th, 2011. Three years ago. Despite that, players are still finding stuff…
This dunk makes Michael Jordan's Space Jam performance look pretty mundane by comparison. Also, we've got an…
Last night's episode of South Park was an ode to all things freemium, and as you might expect from the longrunning…
Over the course of a couple of hours with This War of Mine, I'd stolen food and medicine from an elderly couple,…
If you start hearing a little kid singing disturbing renditions of nursery songs in your Grand Theft Auto Online…
"I started this game collecting trash," my character quipped late in Sunset Overdrive, "and now I'm collecting trash…
Continuing in the Borderlands series' grand tradition of making sly winks at everything from Minecraft to Game…
Dubbed the ARES Sandtable, this U.S. Military prototype uses a Kinect, a projector, software, and sand to recreate…
The Japanese version of The Evil Within has filtered gore. So while the game is certainly creepy, it's just not as…
If you're a developer selling a game on Steam, it's probably not the best idea in the world to tweet a death threat…
It all started with a simple investigation: how many Sims can one fit in a grid in The Sims 4? Then, everything gets…
It's the most basic interaction in the game. Two players meet in the wastes, someone yells "I'M FRIENDLY I'M…
the season pass will net you additional sand to replace the amount your child has eaten.
It's rare these days for a game to make me go, "Woah, that's amazing." I'm jaded and mean! But I'll tell you what,…
On January 19th, 2014, Many A True Nerd started a new playthrough of Fallout 3. Not just any playthrough, though:…
I knew that Michael Jackson was involved in "Do The Bartman," but I did not know why The Simpsons movie was banned…