
Thank you for the work you do, Brittany. I cared for my wife for some years at home, until her dementia became too severe; I know how difficult it can be. I depended on outside help when I was at work. Our lives would have been much the worse without home caregivers like you.

My mother was an in-home healthcare worker after my dad passed away. She was the same age or a little older than those she took care of, and that job made her happy. Then when she was in a car accident, she lost her connection between short and long term memory. So she paid forward and was taken well care of in her

I actually don’t mind (most of) the slideshows, but I’m elderly (I’m over 40) and now a COVID-19 shut-in. I read the kinja sites on a Mac desktop with a huge monitor, which I’m pretty sure is the ideal interface. Every two weeks or so, for a laugh, I try to access a random kinja site from my 2-year-old phone and it’s

Ah, America: you know you have sunk a little too far when other quasi-dysfunctional countries can look at you and say, “Well, at least we haven’t done that!”

The link to the VP polling doesn’t work, but what I found most interesting was that Warren led all possible picks among people under 45 AND African-Americans (ouch for Harris and Abrams!)

The life stories are also there to improve SEO. I’ve noticed several recipe sites now put a convenient “jump to recipe” button at the top. It’s a welcome change, but it makes me laugh because it’s a tacit admission that “we know you just want to get to the recipe, but here’s all this crap anyway so we can hopefully be

My first election was also 2000, and damn if this retrospective didn’t manage to both bring back some terrible memories and also make me long for those halcyon days when I believed that the election of Dubya in 2000 was the worst it could get. Ah, the naïveté of youth. 

Agreed eleventy million percent. I think I described Warren on another post as Bernie Sanders + actual plans - heart attack. Yeah, I’m sure the Republicans would have continued to beat her over the head with the “Pocahontas” bullshit and Trump’s idiot followers would have just decided she was Hillary 2.0, but I feel

Wouldn’t that be WONDERFUL! Someone of relative sanity? Someone who isn’t a vicious crook whose only mission is to loot and fuck over anyone and everyone else, if just to fuck them over for the hell of it? 4 years of this insanity has been far too long and it’s time to get back to normal business.

I’m a bit older (NOT a Boomer, ok!) and crotchety AF at times, but this is a do or die situation and the only way we can begin to unfuck ourselves is to forcibly drag said clown troll out of the office and hopefully into a nice jail cell. Biden definitely was not my first choice, not even close, but he is who we’ve

This one million times. Once Biden gets in, I don’t even want to hear from him unless it’s the State of the Union or a holiday greeting. 

But what would snarky child bloggers write about then?

I like the part where he claims that he is going to investigate how they were handling the scenario and presumably be using himself as the template of perfection.

I read that and I felt 2 things in quick succession: 1) Anger- because duh, this is completely enraging. Then 2) Resignation- because of course this gelatinous cretin would be this petty at this exact fucking time.

He’s such a fucking pathetic figure it’s no wonder many people with raging inferiority complexes are his biggest fans.

This is astonishing. Like I have no words. This is so petty it is ridiculous. 

This is so “super”villainy evil that I flat-out laughed when I saw it.

Anyone else looking forward to a future that is less fricking exciting?

I'll take Dennys after having to eat rotten garbage for these past four years.