
Or Gretchen Whitmers! Man she is just so cool and confident, and pushing Trump so hard he’s going after her.

I was weirdly in love with James Carville of all people, when Bill Clinton was running for president. There was no huge crisis like now, just the normal political BS that ushered GHW Bush out of office. But to college age emotional me, Bush was crisis enough.

Maybe my dying ovaries are making me feel broody, but I fully approve of baby news. Ace is adorable and the image of his daddy!

Off/On topic, but something I feel compelled to post.

As a special ed advocate, I want to encourage parents with kids who can’t access distance learning, or their kids, like mine, don’t respond to distance learning due to lack of ability; to contact your special education dept, or student services and demand compensatory education for your child. (that they will get

Update, still weird. None of my son’s support team can go check on him, period. So it’s been phone calls since 7:30am. He should be transferred today to the psych hospital, as maybe because of covid actually has beds available. We’ve waited close to 3 weeks in an ER for one in the past because of the 10 bed limit for


I will look into that, today I’m going with a taped sandwich bag around it. I didn’t check for dish gloves at the pharmacy when I picked up my pain meds.

Thank you. I’m emotionally stronger again this round then I was last time things were super bad in November. At least, I feel so right now. Might be the drugs though. Or the covid anxiety has just been stronger. My first thoughts were about how I’d wash my hands.

It’s so weird right now, here in the Detroit area as well. Things went south with my autistic son today. And by south I mean a meltdown so bad he gave me whiplash, concussion, sprained wrist, something called a nightstick fracture on my arm, broke the tip off the bone in my left ring finger and more sprains and

I know that, I live here. I guess it’s just me, but the location signals that whites aren’t the intended audience. And my opinion of white men packing the rally still applies.

Oh no no. Hold on, we’re way derailed.

Thank you for this, there were some really great parts that made me soul-search, and some others that demonstrate there’s place to do some of your own, maybe.

I tried to apply this logic before I actually filled the bubble for Biden in the MI primary. It wasn’t easy, and it’s imperfect. Before anyone Biden-apologists or Bernie-haters me. I actually actively disliked them both. Biden for his record, and Bernie for reasons I’ve gone into, including his treatment of the worst

My actual decision was far more complicated than this, and made the night before the election in Michigan. I hinted at it in the OP, that there were other reasons out of Sander’s control that ultimately swayed my decision. From the start of the primary on, I’ve stood firm that I would sit back and watch and vote for

I want to add, that when I complain about Bernie Bros, it’s in the context of Sanders not taking responsibility as he should. It isn’t an erasure of his voters. The fact that it always has to be said that way, and even when it is, there’s still cries of but I’m x and I support him.

Now playing

Well, look at all these whites in 86% black Detroit.

Half snark, more than half true. Usually, when I can’t get something to turn out like my grandma’s it’s because she used liberal amounts of Crisco for everything.  But man, her fried chicken and potatoes were the stuff of dreams.

Ok, compare some numbers. 28% of all eligible voters in the US are democrats, 28% republican, 41% independent. The breakdown for LGBTQ is 50% dem, and 13/14 in repub/independent. (Poll identification), and LGBTQ is 10% of population.

Ahhh, I think one word reveals why you assume what you have. “Trash ties.” There are no trash ties. There are only people. People that justice has been unequally applied to, in various, unequal ways. People who have to engage in identity politics. The fact that so many of us feel that they are trash is why I think