Have you tried hassell backing them? I suppose works best with butternut, but that is now my favorite..so much caramelization. So much nooks and crannies to pour over flavor.
Have you tried hassell backing them? I suppose works best with butternut, but that is now my favorite..so much caramelization. So much nooks and crannies to pour over flavor.
Alice in Wonderland ride scared 4 year old me so bad, that according to family legend I forced my mom to about 30 rides thru Small World. I can't wait to subject her to the video. It's been 40 years, so I think she will just laugh by now.
Pointless, they wouldn’t believe such could be possible!
We just got some very good news from our school district to help offset some of this everything-is-gone shit. They are packaging up breakfasts and lunches for the the kids to last until March 20th, then will do more as needed. Currently our state is under the everything closed that has gatherings, including schools,…
I want that lesson, I’ll pay you a polar for it.
In my area, my friend texted that he was waiting in line for 2 hours, not sure when he finally got to check out. So ya, be glad you didn’t go in.
lol, well she did ask what to do with it, and it’s food. I posted a recipe too.
Pretzel chocolate poptarts..dear lord, that sounds like pms heaven!
I grew up in an evangelical household, attended a Southern Baptist University, managed to come out ok I suppose. But, as you can assume, much of my friends and family are of that ilk. 100% of them said they were single issue voters and that issue was abortion.
Just came here to say, I’ve never seen a comment of yours, even if I disagreed, that wasn’t well written, logical, and worth reading.
LOL, no way. This is my FUN. My friend I an were both sharing recipes last week, and she says: “We are THIS age now.”
And it’s all unpaid labor. I really feel for your family, with 2 such vulnerable mostly on their own. I’m mostly scared for my own parents, I can’t imagine life without them, and don’t want them gone a minute before they have to. My dad is 75 and alone, but that man runs circles around 30 year olds, so while I don’t…
Similar version I did find on a blog for dried chick peas. Adds garlic, which I have to that nyt recipe, or I forgot to write it..and uses broth
Crap, they did paywall it. It used to be just an email. All my saved recipes in the box..😭 But, no worry I know it by heart.
I have not. But now I will =)
I fucking love google sometimes! If she dries it, can grind it into flour...she can! https://www.naturalbeautyworkshop.com/my_weblog/2008/07/chickpea-flour.html
I’m damn idiot. It just hit me that she was referring to corona virus...and that she was dissing corona the beer. HAHAH
Do yourself a favor and make this soup with your chickpeas https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1014716-simple-chickpea-soup