
It seems that Jezebel is doubling down on the supposed part of it’s description and not the feminist part. I can’t help but wonder if it’s internalized misogyny, because it seems they can’t stand an angry woman. Left and right they burn imperfect feminists, as if a perfect one exists.

Just because of your name, meet my cat “Jabba” we adopted him at 39lbs!

My gyn said it doesn’t work for everyone and it can take 3 to 6 months. I had horrible, debilitating periods from fibroids, which of course got scraped. After, I bled in some fashion, ranging from spotting to Niagra for 6 weeks, stopped had one bad period, one light period, then nothing. I still seem to get a touch of

I didn’t grow up there, my parents did. And I’m not ashamed nor sorry for it. It’s part of my heritage. 

I’ll be the rare one. I voted for Hillary because I’d admired her for decades. I remember being a little kid and visiting my extended family in Arkansas and hearing the adults talk about how scandalous it was that she hadn’t taken Bill’s name until pressed to do at Bill’s second go round as Governor. 6 year old me,

It’s leaving me feeling poorly about Jez as well. The nickname plays into horrible stereotypes, and the fact that a feminist website is using to talk about a feminist is frankly disgusting.  Yes, she’s rich, yes she married royalty, but she is still a woman fighting for other women, and being bashed left and right

I’m trying to rationalize this (shitty, incendiary, click-bait) headline with the thoughtful, moving, intelligent interview you were granted. The only thing that makes any sense is that it sucks because you hate mint-chocolate. Both ideas being equally nonsensical.

Co-signed, I came here to say this specifically.

This was one of my quick takes. I mean just 10 years, me at 33 = hornier than a 18 year old male in a porn shop, me at 43= that would be nice, if it’s not too messy.

Because they can’t see the people behind their prejudices. Nevermind that they are supposed to love all. Nevermind that they are supposed to take the log out of their own eyes. Nevermind that more children are abused by so-called christians, very much including clergy and men in power than are ever abused by LGBT

Now playing

LOL!  The old version of me agrees, and techno alone sounded better in the flow of the story than the techno/house/industrial/dance that was the club music make up of the early 90s.

Dear Tennessee,

If Meghan had gone, she would have been that uppity black woman tearing apart and trying to change the (institution)family. If she had called she would have been called interfering and controlling. By not going now she’s somehow dissed the Queen. FFS, can we just leave the woman alone?

Ah, what gaslighting. Bernie’s staff is Bernie’s staff, as in he is the boss. He knows what they are doing, and by not firing/releasing them he is endorsing it. Oh poor Bernie is such a good guy, while his staff and supporters get to play the misogynist game, he just has no control over his staff. EFF THAT. He’s just

You’re more clear headed than me today. I’m getting pissy and you’re ariticulating what I’m really seeing.

Nah...not having it with Bernie love on here today. I’m actually somewhat surprised at myself for being so vitriolic against him today, but these two instances are right in line with not only 2016 and Hillary, but what his staffers and aides have been doing to Warren this cycle. I’m not talking about writing it off as

Ya, came here to read on THAT, and saw this instead.  /barf

YES! Reminds me of a point made in offshoot convo in a Bloomberg thread here on jez this week. Where I was surprised Bloomberg was showing second best to beat Trump in Michigan...Biden, Bloomberg, Sanders then Warren.. Basically, if I had to pick a candidate that represented the so-called elites, it would be

I agree, plus, she’s a 16 year old kid, does she really need a bunch of adults bashing her? I think back on the things I liked at 16 and am pretty mortified, but at least I didn’t have thousands of people mocking me at the time.

My circle of gen X, always just called you gen WHY?