
I always say neither are infected but if one was, based on movie logic, it would be Childs. He’s the black guy and Kurt Russell was a star. That’s all you need to know.

I think he plays the role of “Rumi” pretty well. Like, this is his role.

Do you find the idea of modesty for men offensive? Most religions have regulations for men as well. Ever seen a Saudi man without his head covering?

Seems like the secular French think women’s bodies should be policed as well. Though ALL societies do some policing of the human body. Wouldn’t be a society if it didn’t. Why can’t we run around in the nude? Why do I have to wear a shirt when I walk into buildings?

Gimme a break about the “male gaze” thing. You think there aren’t plenty of women who would get off on such a scene?

Right, the villain can do anything else to you: beat you, slice you up, set you fire, pull your eyes out, cut off your dick, blow up your village, kill your dog, etc. but rape is off the table. The exception makes no sense.

Are you serious? Why is rape and impregnation somehow off the table for evil villains?

It’s no different from any other depictions of violence. Violence in film can trigger anybody who has experienced violence. And violence, particularly murder and assaults are played up for cheap shock and even laughs all the time. What is the empirical evidence that rape is somehow use differently? How is its use

What movies can you recall in which rape was used as a cheap shock? I’m genuinely curious.

This is a bit of BS. Murder, usually of a male, is used as a plot device far more than rape. I don’t see how the latter is any lazier than using murder, or other types of violence.

That doesn’t sound like what is happening in this movie. This sounds like the protagonists is the women and attempted rape is something to move her story along.

Great! But you can say using any type of violence to move the plot along is “lazy”. Why is rape some how a “special” sort of violence that should be excluded? Plots move along through tension and conflict that usually involves violence. SOMEONE is going to get hurt, somehow someway. Why is rape off limits? It’s hardly

I feel like this is BS because sexual violence is not the only type of violence that traumatizes. Anything that shows violence against humans or animals is a problem. Why is rape bad to portray but people getting shot, cut up, beat up, set on fire, etc. is okay? You ask why? Why any type of violence? Why are the

Yeah, the suburbanites from places like Flossmoor, Skokie and Lake Shore are like that because they need to prove to their wealthier and more savvy relatives from the coasts that their choice to reside near a city known more for its blizzard plagued weather, dirty government, even dirtier streets, and fattening food

What is FSM and what is that in the lower right corner?

This is true. In terms of life outcomes black men are most likely than all other groups to end up on the bottom(Homeless, die young, etc.) However, consider that when a black man makes it into the boardroom he is probably more respected than all women, including white women.

I don’t buy this. I feel that serial killers are often the most high profile criminals out there. The resources to catch serial killers are massive(Involving multiple state and federal agencies) versus say the resources to curb gang violence. I feel that domestic violence is taken far more seriously than say gang or

As my professor(a black woman) says everyone is vulnerable,(including white men despite all their privilege) we are just vulnerable to different harms in different places at different times. However, if we are going to quantify the effects of oppression( and we can and should) we can determine who gets more minuses

You think black men get more respect than say Latinos or Asians? Maybe in sports and music.

Race and “protecting the women” were/are intertwined. Just as modern racists are concerned about race mixing and losing their women to the “other” and it comes down to wanted to “protect the race” over all because women are the most precious “resource”(The produce the pure bred warriors and all). Many women buy into