A Grey Dog

Anything is big when you compare it to a pinky.

It's not ok to have children with ribbons dancing around you while you have sex.

I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.

Yeah it's really ok if you feel bad about it afterwards. I think I'm going to go beat up my girlfriend now, but as long as I feel bad about it when she is bleeding on the floor with a broken nose it's all good.


This isn't Karate Kid. You can put your money on the bigger more athletic guy every time.

I think it's less about Western governments and more Western people. Although these have been labeled as sanctions, in truth, it seems as though support which has been offered by the US is simply being withdrawn, it doesn't seem like the US government is creating a blockade. It seems as though the US has been involved

A pretty common troll lately with nu kinja is to fashion a persona that is incredibly, mindlessly extremist with common leftwing/liberal views, in order to make the entire leftwing/liberal ideology look bad.

I realize very clearly that you got out a really huge brush and painted a fuckload of people as "wrong" and "evil", myself included. You falsely called me a bigot, and that's bullshit. So fuck you for that.

I'm just curious. What would you Jezebel ladies say to a man who'd just confessed to drunkenly pummeling his girlfriend for no good reason?

I didn't think it was possible, but I am now stupider for reading this posting.

All these stories are making you feel more normal. Great, because shitty, shitty people need to feel normal. You had a choice, you could dump a bad boyfriend or commit a felony. You went with commit a felony because you're a criminal piece of shit. I don't know what this site's policy is on personal abuse and I

I feel really sorry for your boyfriend, if you are using fear and angry shouting to get your point across. That's a pretty terrible way to resolve an argument. It might end it, but only because the other person is scared of you- is that the basis you want in your relationship?

too bad you didn't trip and fall on that knife.... the sooner all ou violent fucktards kill yourselves the sooner the rest of us normal people can have our planet back.

They've been taught for years not the hit women, taught that any retaliation or protection of themselves will seen as abuse toward her and that they are the bigger and stronger one so they should be able to take it.

Oh, for goodness sake. This is a museum volunteer answering visitors' questions. The Daily Mail describing it as sitting "in a glass cage for hours" as though this chap is being forced to do something against his will is just ridiculous. The "Jew in a box" is a peculiar conceit and I can see how it might be taken the

I find it amusing that "letter" is 8.5" x 11". That's right, the size you hate is measured in the units you hate. Even though you invented them.


@KingCouth: @sumerfish: I disagree. Personally, I find old-fashioned dating rather sexist and limiting, and I prefer the new, "hanging out" model of dating that our generation seems to have embraced. I'm not a fan of chivalry, and would rather not deal with the awkwardness of something so clearly formal as a date.