
“He plays in EUROPE???? Automatic captain,” Klinsmann said while failing our youth system for the 5th consecutive year.

NO ONE listens to that dick in Cleveland. City’s top-rated show in is on WKNR at the same time. He’s a desperate, boring, shock jock.

Glad there’s revenue so EPL teams can buy non-English players, allowing them to somewhat compete in Champions League. Sure, every team brings in players, but English football as a whole is a joke compared to Italy, Germany and Spain. Check your trophy case.

Dude from The Office plays for the Wahoos? Cool.

Chicago fan, then? Stop hiding; who’s your team? I loved how Lebron dismantled Noah in every single matchup, ever. 12-3 postseason record. Fetal alcohol face is all you got?

Cleveland says fuck you right back. You a Pistons or Bulls fan or some shit? If not, way to pile on a fight that’s not yours self confidence guy.

Chains are great. You never have to experience new flavors, culture, people—no matter where you go, the perfect blend of bland is waiting for you at Chipotle.

Katie Nolan’s thinking, “Why is this couch so small and why won’t he watch the clips and not my lips!”

Wives? Kinda hard to get married when (yelling up steps) mom keeps complaining about my dirty dishes!!!!!!!!

Bayern fan here. The sooner the Red Devils “have a feeling” of sacking him for real, the sooner we continue the rivalry you started in ‘99. (jerks)

Great Lakes Christmas Ale!!!!!!!

It’d be an extra deposit. Trisomy 21 is an extra chromosome on the 21st pair, not the lack of one. But cool “NE dudes, are, like, retarded, hahahahahahahaha” joke.