
Under the Skin showed a couple.

I've worked on a few plays with the pilot from Air Force One. He's a salty old man, now, and probably one of my favorite people. He could tell me about how he and John Quincy Adams fought pirates shoulder to shoulder and I'd probably believe every word of it. Wellp, that's my contribution to this comments section.

A Pharaoh to Remember is saved almost singlehandedly by the line, "Behold! I have emerged from the land of spells and fairies!"

Joffrey: "I think I've been poisoned by my constituents!"
"Can I offer you a dragon egg in this trying time?"

It's from a Game of Thrones/Blank Space mashup that I think The Nerdist made. It's funny for about twenty seconds.

So I think that Kirk Cameron and Neil Patrick Harris look a little bit alike, and that they ought to do a film a la Black Swan all about dark sexual obsession and the fear of doppelgängers. I think Neil would be interested, and that it'd help Kirk blow off some of this homophobic steam. Please help me crowdfund this

'ello. 'ow 'are 'ou? Let's go to 'artford, not stay in this 'ell 'ole.

The thing that scared me when I was a kid - something I didn't realize was an actual concept of the time - was the doppelganger aspect. That there's something that looks just like you, but wishes to cause you harm or fear, really rattled me when I was a kid.

Uh…nobody hipped me to that, dude.

He may be short in stature, but he sure ain't short in heart.