They only say “thoughts and prayers” because it sounds better than saying “we’re doing nothing at all”.
They only say “thoughts and prayers” because it sounds better than saying “we’re doing nothing at all”.
Marsha Blackburn can jump off a fucking cliff for all I care. These school shooting only happen in fucking hard is it to see why????
It does feel like we have things backwards. It seems like POCs, LGBTQ, Jewish people, muslims, children, liberals etc should be the gun nuts, because they’re the vulnerable groups who keep getting targeted.
Kinda aready happened, and yup, Republicans were super horny for gun control when Black folks armed themselves:
Maybe if all the women, gay, trans and black/brown people started open carrying, guns will finally become woke and Republicans will ban guns like they ban books?
Our dipshit governor in TN signed a bill in 2021 that allows for adults to carry open or concealed, without a permit. Would that have changed anything in this tragic incident? Who knows, but it made it a lot easier for her I’m sure.
When I lost fifteen pounds after my emergency appendectomy (with bonus COVID-19 infection), last year, I was also happy about finding the “silver lining” from a month-long illness that could have killed me.
When my adoptive mother, the woman who trained me to be a disordered eater and sent me to fat camp lost fifteen…
Good Good Good on these women. I’m so tired of these idiots like Arizona’s Sinema and Georgia’s Greene getting all the attention. Our government needs to start being FOR the people not against. If they want to go after people lets start with the Neo-Nazis and other fascists.
You know, as a longtime, perpetually-recovering disordered eater, I’m not mad about it. I’m glad she said it and I’m bummed she walked it back (sure, Gwyneth, I’m sure you eat tons of “fries or whatever.”).
In college I got food poisoning and dropped nearly fifteen pounds. I was over-fucking-joyed because it got me to size 7.
Even if these two were Republicans, I think your cynicism would be misplaced here. Parenthood doesn’t necessarily compel empathy in this area; plenty of conservative parents find out they have a trans child and kick them out of the house or send them to boot camp. The fact that these are supportive trans parents alone…
I’m not sure about the math and can’t provide references, but there is a point to this:
As someone who has some sort of really really bad stomach bug and hasn’t eaten solid food since Monday, fuck Gwyneth Paltrow. I wish I could have chosen to starve myself.
“Conscience,” not “conscious.” Not that these writers ever read the comments.
Bravo Senators, bravo!
I mean, we’ve certainly seen it: the democrats leaving the state to avoid a quorom, Wendy Davis filibustering an anti-abortion bill. We’ve got a loud and proud, compassionately progressive voice in Beto O’Rourke. And their reward is to get absolutely crushed at the ballot box and see the state get redder every…
She’s a Democrat.
I just want to say that Nebraska has a history of pretty legendary fillibusters. Shout out to the OG, the Legend, State Senator Ernie Chambers, a man no sleeve could contain.
Beyond the obvious harm these bills cause to trans kids, these idiots are vilifying care that was developed because children of all gender identities may need it. Cis gender kids can need hormone blockers, hormone treatment and other gender-related care — who do these nitwits think these medications were originally…