
Newsflash! Welcome to 2019! It ain’t 1963 no more.  But if you want to stay there in your closed little mind, enjoy your everlasting misery!

REALLY?? So why are you answering, Sweetie? That says way more about YOU than me.  

To retort to the incredible racism, bigotry and prejudice I encounter on this circle-jerk of hate where pretty much everybody agrees. Blame Bernard Goldberg if ya want.

I am happy for Veasy.  I hope he makes the regular roster for the Redskins.  As for that other guy, he’s worn out his welcome.

““We immediately launched an administrative investigation once we learned about the incident,” chief spokesman Josh Rubenstein told the Times, “And we assigned the officer to home.”  WTF?  This guy is on video! It should have taken LAPD about 10 seconds to fire this pervert.  He should be serving time by now!  

Justin Trudeau? The guy with the blackface? Now that he’s dogging Trump the ROOT thinks blackface is ok? Seems pretty hypocritical to me... As for those other turds who fancy themselves as “world leaders” they were profoundly shocked when the unemployed guy got replaced by a plain spoken guy who calls them out. No

Why is this news?  Cuz she’s black?  How condescending..  She’s probably going to be really good.

Hey wait a minute. I thought Obama had an exclusive on brown nosing war criminals and wannabe dictators!  

Compared to that POS Eric “we only prosecute wypipo” Holder, Barr is a major improvement. At least he speaks the truth. Besides, everybody on the ROOT knows them BAD PO-LICE ain’t no good no-how. All I hear on this trashy site is how bad them PO-LICE are. Why get indignant if ya hate the cops anyway? Next time there’s

IF the accounts in the book and movie by Joel Gilbert are true, Zimmerman could probably win a settlement in civil court. And it’s gonna be ugly.  

Each NATO country agreed to pay a certain percentage of it’s GDP for it’s own defense.  France has NOT held up it’s part of the bargain- ever. 

The ROOT makes a specialty of conflating the acts of a few individuals (yes like the idiotic white lady) into “OMG! AMERICA is a giant sewer of racism!” So why can’t other people do it too?

Usually if if you’re a bonehead criminal who tends to get caught and convicted fairly often you ain’t climbing the social economic ladder.

Didn’t you try that one about a month ago- You need better material.  Maybe yo mama can help you out, but take out the trash first. 

YO badodor! Why are you writing an essay if the words are so insignificant?

Ready? Here it comes......ready or not...... It’s the RACE CARD!! Only its not them BAD WHITE PEOPLE or them BAD REPUBLICANS! OMG!! Now it’s that dastardly media and them BAD (probably racist) DEMOCRATS!! Ain’t this a peach!

What the hell do you think they are gonna do? If they don’t kill the guy I’m gonna be pissed! ‘international incident’s a**.

Geee whiz! I didn’t know our American intelligence agencies were supposed to ‘get dirt” on the POTUS or find ways to speed up his departure. Besides, do you want to live in a country where that could occur? Just ask yourself how you would feel if our American intelligence agencies tried to do that to Obama. How would

I’d be happy if they paid their fair share of NATO.  Oh and BTW if the frogs got into a beef with the Crips or the Bloods my money’s goin on our guys.

You never heard of Idaho?