
Hmm. I do need to purchase another bluray player...

@MyPonyRocks: I know, I've seen it. I still didn't feel that it did the book justice. It needs Peter Jackson and an epic 3 part trilogy.

I hope Polyphony has been spending this time really getting to know and utilize the PS3 to its full capability. Then they can share their knowledge with the other PS3 developers and we can start getting non-halfassed PS3 ports of multiplatform games.

I just watched the video again and I can't believed I missed the Boot.

I really didn't have a problem with Killzone 2's heavier feeling controls. After playing a couple of multiplayer games I became completely comfortable with them. I learned to turn corners more carefully because I couldn't just bring my weapon up quickly like I could in CoD4.

Just like there will never be a good Dune movie, there will never be a good BSG video game.

I'm guessing the top screen uses pixel prisms to relay 2 different images to each eye? I've see this kind of display before when I was vacationing with my family in Toronto when I was in elementary school ca. 1995.

TLDR Version:

Metal Gear Flaccid.

If they want good weapon sounds they can just set up 2 microphones on the South side of Chicago and leave them over night.

Resistance 1 and 2 are good games. There is something off about them that make that prevent them from being great. The characters aren't memorable, the dialogue isn't particularly well written.

@Smorlock: Sitting in a trench for 2 years and zerg rushing every other week isn't particularly appealing.

@Archaotic: They have to produce something to be considered a business.

Bioshock Total Conversion: Xcom is really what this is. The Unreal 2 engine is looking really dated.

The graphics are surprisingly awful.