
@tetracycloide: Dude, 1 missed test is HUGE. Most college courses consist of 3 exams and a final. Work out those percentages.

@Xagest: You have a well developed sense of responsibility and self-control. Good for you. Time management is a valuable asset and you're very lucky to have developed it at an early age.

@tetracycloide: He's talking about playing games to the point of neglecting his school and relationship obligations.

One night I was playing Counter-strike beta 5.2 till like 4am. My dad opens the door and I quickly turn off the monitor.

Kent Sutherland. Kiefer's younger, slightly less ambitious brother.

Quick! Someone call the WAAAAmbulance! Look at these babies. Your game has to upscale a couple of lines of resolution so you can't enjoy it anymore.

How does he not have his own xbox 360????

This looks awesome. But then again the MW2 trailer looked awesome too.

Whatever marketing firm is in charge of their Playstation campaign deserves a raise.

@kNZA: I don't agree with fanboys, but this doesn't really change anything. It sounds like with a premium PSN subscription you're getting something in return. They're not taking away basic services like online multiplayer and charging money for it.

@legendnthemaking: Me (Asian American) and my Irish American girlfriend raise our glasses to you!

I'm always beating my cares away, but not in a video game if you get my drift.

@zenneth: I know. I didn't mean anything mean by it. Sorry!

@Danza: The cake is a lie?

Haha! That picture brings a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing Fahey!

@TaylorEatWorld: Why admit it? Anybody that owns a console should've bought this game! It's only 15 bucks! People spend more than that eating out one time at a restaurant!

@Culebra: Yeah kind of bummer no more maps in the forseeable future, however for $15 bucks it was a steal.