
@tetracycloide: Well it's not like the FCC can just write laws nilly willy and that's why Comcast recently won an appeal.

@MrGOH: I agree with you completely. (I see it more as a Goliath vs Goliath battle.)

@tetracycloide: Yes they were loaded. Meant to be more facetious than insulting though so I'm sorry if you were offended.

The FCC has been trying to push for Net Neutrality in the interest of the American people while the ISPs have been pushing to regulate it, dice it up piece meal, DLC-style business model. It's a desperate effort to shore up the lack of any real innovation on their part in the face of declining cable TV subscription

@gruevy: You can pull the "I don't want the guberment tellin' me what to do" card all you want but face the facts. Government regulates everything and it is a completely necessary fact of life.

@tetracycloide: France has always been a fine country. Sure they've had their share of ugliness, what country hasn't?

@Hey_Blinkon: It's the local governments that are giving them exclusive rights to service their counties/cities.

Coldblooded Pro IV imo.

What's Raiden doing in this game?

@Animathecaniba: I hate your kind. I've joined many a Rush game in BF:BC2 where I'm on the attacking side and half the team are recon.

TF2 + The Grid = Monday Night Combat.

Wow, they cured my erectile dysfunction!

rabble rabble

I'm sure these gentlemen will make it through to the other end unscathed.

Oh man Kotaku, you guys always get me good. Real good.