23 year old allegations that are being used to sell a book?
23 year old allegations that are being used to sell a book?
What? You don’t like to laugh? I always like seeing what petty, meaningless names the jezzies make up for DT as they continue over-compensating for that embarrassing loss three years ago.
Nah, he can.
Be honest, how much time out of your day do you spend worrying/talking/thinking about “the greys”?
Yeah, seems like your parents were just aces...
Well, if you’re black you have a MUCH higher chance of being killed by Da/Sha/La Quan then by a cop.
I can’t tell the enjoyment I get from seeing you fools run around EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. yelling about the “greys”.
And when all else fails, just call them a “troll”.
Oh, I see you’ve deceided to FINALLY quote me properly!
Hey Maiysha, I can still see your feet!
Oh shut the fuck up. I never said “every cop in the city”... either.
Hey Angela, remember when you defended convicted rapist and serial public masturbator Kellen Winslow II after he was arrested for “HouseHuntingWhileBlack”?
So every cop in every NBA city is expected to know what executives for 31 other teams look like?
It says right in the description that the video is from Cambridge, Mass, not Canada you fucking moron.
It must be AWESOME to write for the root.
You sound really, REALLY tough.
I’m addicted to the irony of you searching the greys for that comment, reading it, responding to it and then telling the person no one gives a fuck about what they say.
Staten Island, you fucking moron.