@tekdemon: More power will never be unwelcomed in any car but let's not forget; Power and Fun-to-Drive are NOT directly related (i.e. Fiesta, 1st gen Miata, CRX, etc.).
@tekdemon: More power will never be unwelcomed in any car but let's not forget; Power and Fun-to-Drive are NOT directly related (i.e. Fiesta, 1st gen Miata, CRX, etc.).
I'm pretty sure BMW conceives their own niche groups just so they can build new cars for them.
@SuperCharger.Heaven: With all that tint you probably can't see out the front windows either.
@Avastmateys: When you're right, you're right.
The Invisible Man
@dapper_otter: And when he compared it to the Audi R8. He bashed it, but he picked it.
The same Steve Millen that founded Stillen?
@Effin' Eh: Yes.
@Roberto G.: I hope I don't get it on my shirt, now.
Why do I always get it on my jeans when I shake at the urinals?!
ANYTHING made by Mansory should be numbers 2 through 8.
@ALFA164headlinersag: This was one of 4 Alfas my dad owned. The emergency brake looks like a suitcase handle. My mom always said, "Yeah, so when it breaks down, you can just pick it up and carry it home."
I love that green.
@jodark: You could also watch these things spiral down 900,000 times.
At what point did the losing bidder say to himself, "This is where I draw the line. The car just isn't worth this much."
@gochomoe: "I'll watch it regardless because its stupid car porn and I'll watch any crap with purty cars in it. Especially if there are purty girls too."
@sixt9coug loves his rimblow: If Pass Time can last this long than anything is possible.
No DS? Hey, at least the Aztek made it...
@GeeHalen: This is the only answer there is.
@CanadaCraig: That's amazing.