
bless them for their "no slut shaming" ministry. Live it up Katy Perry!

" The oldest known written record on cannabis use comes from the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C." — DEA

Except the Cherokee, obviously ;)

1. law enforcement officials keep burner cell phones?

A minor typo: there is a Psalms 31:6

Protip: try Mexican beer with Japanese food and Japanese beer with Mexican food. Uncanny.

Not the bung, the thickness and texture is wrong. Maybe not a big difference until you consider that you never want to over cook squid and you always want to over cook pork that has been in direct contact with pig shit... at least I do

best reason for DIY is to know you are eating actual squid and not pig rectum.

thanks for the reply!

How much more dangerous is it to be a police officer in Seattle now compared to 20 years ago?

wasps doing wasp things

thank you for posting that. My eyes are open now. Amazing.

bonus points if the tip includes a gif of the pornographic evidence that led to her dismissal.

My take: Priefer said that kind of shit a lot. Loeffler was willing to vouch for him saying it on the field on a specific day.

Incremental progress rarely looks like victory.

it doesn't, but I may be a bit slower to shot "flop" next time...

We though it was another flop, the proof was in the blood.

the best part was the expressions of utter shock on viewer's faces