Adele Quested

The one Sandsnake I actually liked, and they have to leave her out.

Arya's has always been the most unpredictable storyline to me. I can't see her just working her way down the list till the zombies arrive. I also don't see her killing Cersei any time soon, and there's nothing else for her to do in King's Landing.

Someone on tumbler framed Book!Euron as an anime villain. I thought that was rather fitting. He's positively subdued on the show.

There's a poison in the novels that's called "The Strangler".

Sansa may not be above crushing on dangerous lovers, but I think her type is more the scar-faced one….

The actual Lord of the Vale is still Sweet Robin. And when it comes to manipulating him, Sansa doesn't necessarily need Littlefinger.

I'm totally with you that the show has dropped any pretension towards capturing realpolitik, and that story beats are now stringed together without much concern for proper set-up, or fall-out.

Yes, but honestly, do you expect _the_ show_ to go into any of that? They didn't even haven time for the fall-out from Cersei exploding the Sept of Baelor. They just left Stannis castle conveniently empty for Dany to stroll in for better visuals.

That's the price the show pays for resolving its storylines with such "clarity and efficiency" - somewhere along the way the plausiblity gets lost. (Also, nobody claiming Dragonstone in Stannis' absence, and Dany just getting to waltz in and take over; Euron building a fleet of thousand ships over night; Arya, not

Very good question. I think in the books, should they ever be written, he'll eventually fall victim to Littlefinger, who's gunning for Riverrun (would mean a lot more to him than Winterfell, from the perspective of personal revenge).

Magic had been gone for a long time, and knowledge of/belief in the magic properties of the Wall were lost. Melisandre remarked on it a couple of times, but then again, Melisandre turned out to be full of shit on plenty of other occasions. Turned out, she's mostly just making more or less educated guesses. And that's

Eh. All criticism is subjective. Doesn't make it invalid.

Me to. I would pretty much live on potatoes with salt and butter as a kid. Wouldn't even eat pizza and spaghetti, because I didn't like tomatoes!

Great, another thing for status-obsessed parents to get competitive about.

I'll stop being tedious the moment you stop being tedious. Being confronted with a specimen like Coulter and finding nothing to insult her with apart from your lack of desire to fuck her does display a stunning lack of imagination. You can't think you're being _not_ tedious, can you? (Rhetorical question. Since this

Really, you couldn't find anything to say about a woman that's not somehow related to sexiness or lack thereof?

Of course, the problem with the woman is that she's insufficiently sexy.

If something like a soul exists, Ann Coulter clearly lacks one.

I think Margaret also made a fairly compelling point that if she came clean now about the whole affair to save Charlotte, it would cost not just her and Lucy but all the other women in her employ. From an utilitarian perspective this is the way to minimize suffering. (Of course she clearly didn't take the utilitarian

Baby steps. Legitimizing power is a tricky issue, and if you dismiss birthright, something else has to take its place. Ultimately, I strongly feel that something else should always be general elections, but I'm not sure Westeros is quite there yet (in term of enough people being convinced enough of this idea that