Adele Quested

Eh, why not have a bit of fiddling on the Titanic? By this point we've all been frogs in boiling water for so long, what's another little spike in temperature?

"Beverly Hills 90210" with monsters.

I didn't watch it religiously - I didn't watch anything religiously at that time, because I didn't take TV very seriously in general - but I liked to catch an episode when I had the time. I thought it was Beverly Hills with monsters, bright young things being very dramatic about stuff and I liked to snicker about the

I was about to argue that institution-Lenny was totally real and a real friend too, because she did that one nice thing of delaying Syd's departure with the small-talk about chocolate bars, to give David a chance to make it to her in time to say goodbye.

I so hope she makes it through - I want to see where that goes.

that bothered me so much.

More beautifully, it's an automatic-self-own by everyone who tries to apply the term as an accusation, implying that any sort of talking about values is already as bad as hypocrisy, while making such a point of worrying about the purity of other people's motivations.

Maybe to strengthen my point: My favourite novel about bullying, and maybe one of my favourite novels in general, is The Confusions of Young Törless, by Musil. Young Törless is actually the worst -worse than the little proto-Nazis he's observing with anthropological interest and detachment - and the older I get, the

But bystanders are most cowardly too (argueably more cowardly than the bullies, who do sometimes pick on someone of their own size after all) and in some need of shading, I think.

Because it feels like we're heading towards a cliff, and we're past the point of no return, and time travel would be our only hope.

I have no opinions about the overall quality of this movie - but in general, I disagree that this kind of story would be more interesting from the perspective of the head bully, especially if the point is really some sort of anti-bullying agenda. I think getting through to the bystanders is much more crucial in this

Will do! Sorry.

I hate that people have to be so performance-oriented about everything.

It's tricky. When plastic surgery becomes noticeable, people are quick to pipe up how just letting nature take its course would have looked better. But this surgery we notice - I think it's rarely the first one. It was usually preceded by quite a few nips and tucks we_didn't_ notice, and that's what probably makes it

I think most women in their twenties are too busy obsessing over how they can be desirable to men to have much mental energy left for figuring out what they themselves desire.

Women never blamed? Where? I mean, I get that he's probably not a regular reader of women's magazines, but has this guy seriously never heard the term "bonerkiller"?

Yeah, Renata really exposed herself right away, so quick to group Jane with the nannies. I bet her kid picked up on that, and that it had something to do with her choice of a scapegoat (unless Ziggy really was the culprit; I mean I haven't read the book. But for now, my money is on Celeste's twins.)

"At a time when both Marvel and DC are investing in their multi-year
crossover plans, Mangold also appreciates the merits of standalone
storytelling; Logan leaves its franchise history almost completely implied, resisting callbacks and cameos at every turn."

[Nevermind; I just read your comments below about your personal situation and don't want to drag you into a debate. I'm sorry this happened to you and your family.]

As I understand the comment it's not about blaming the people hit by the sickness, but rather the people in power at that time, who could have provided a better infrastructure to deal with and thus mitigate the outcomes. They're the one who could have avoided this, not the people who got sick.