Adele Quested

Because she presumably has no needs and thoughts of her own, and there could never be an actual intellectual exchange. Finding that appealing is seeing another person in terms of useability entirely, which is not just shallow, but indeed, horrifyingly shallow, because also rather sociopathic.

I loved these platonic relationships, and I would have quit those shows if it had gotten romantic.

For what it's worth I didn't buy FakeEleanor's backpedalling at all. That's clearly just her inferiority issues talking.

11) Which of your flaws do you forgive yourself most easily?

10) What's your most useless talent?

9) What stopped you from giving up?

8) What was the best present you ever got?

7) When was the last time you surprised yourself?

6) If you died tomorrow, who should play you in a biopic?

4) What's the most useful thing you learned in school?

3) Do you think your birth name fits you?

2) What are you looking forward to?

Missed that, thanks!

The same applies to all the "name some project you regret/are ashamed of"-questions. Seriously people. Be a bit more pragmatic.

They kept the one about the worst job after all, and this definitely seems like one to keep as well.

Silly? If I had the Power of Persuasion, we'd certainly have another president now. Can't think of anything more useful. It's basically mind control. (Then again, I'd be so horrible with that power, and everyone would cheer at my demise at the hands of Jessica Jones. I think it's one of those powers impossible not to

I sometimes do these kind of questionnaires with students, and people usually answer "the loss of loved ones".

1) What makes you quit a TV-show/put down a novel/walk out of a movie?

"The reviewer states that this will appeal to people who like the familiar, listing the elements that make it familiar."

No? Surely, it's not very far-fetched to imagine that the glamour of power and privilege holds some of the appeal of a story about a queen. And sure, you could tell such stories about non-white queens, yet there might be a reason why people apparently prefer to just revisit Victoria (not exactly a novel vehicle for