Adele Quested

Oh sure, people are frustrated by the "I don't care, as long as it doesn't affect _me_, why give a shit about other people?"-stance, because they ~ can't tolerate ambivalence ~ ….

Step one is to elect Hilary Clinton. I'm having nightmares about Donald not making it hearty and hale to election day and his goons crying Murder and starting a riot.

I was constantly drawing in middle school - in my textbooks, on my notepads, often enough on the table itself - and I can't remember getting shit for it once. I also got pretty much straight As though, so i wasn't exactly the kind of student who would make you explain the thing _yet_ again_ because of clearly not

Called worse than Trump for a firstie? Ouch. What happened to kinder, gentler times of canceraids?

Oh, I hope she does, for her own sake - I think it would be fairly good for her, and people might find it easier to connect with her. Further acts of philantrophy might feel more genuine, out of a security that some people like her no matter what. Will it make her better or worse? No idea. It might well make her

Of course, sometimes it might be fairly easy to figure out a dominating motive. And I actually agree that Eleanor's dominating motive was probably genuine kindness here (we have seen that she has enough trust in Chidi's moral fiber to feel no urgent need to appease him for mere self-preservation).

Eh, Eleanor has no shortage of ulterior motives to keep Chidi happy - if he gives up on her, she's done. That might not have been the driving force here - she sure seems to take Chidi's protection for granted at this point; he has been very clear that he's helping her on principle, not out of personal sympathy after


Talking about utilitarianism - I'm not sure that's supposed the guiding principle here (people are questioning Chidi's utility to society at large, but what about jiany? why would he be ranked second for being a monk who took a vow of silence?)

Eh, the nerd girl was definitely into him, but Lindsay's way hotter. Maybe Paul is just shallow.

His fault is that he takes pride in dumb luck (living in a country where law-makers overlooked a loophole, and being able to afford a competent accountant) and therefore will do nothing to fix this unjust state of affairs. (Unfair? Why? He deserves it for being so smart!).

Oh, I hope Trump will end up suing some people (he's also talking about suing the Clinton campaign for making all these mean ads using his own words). It has always worked out so well for him when stiffing his small-business suppliers with no budget for fancy lawers who can be bullied into submission by the mere

Exactly. It doesn't necessarily require any particular understanding of the tax laws. I read the interview with his accountant - Trump's input was giving his signature. There's no expertise needed to give someone else the order to eploit any loophole they can find.

The problem with him is that he doesn't agree; he's not seeing a problem with those particular tax laws at all.

Another vote for this looks more interesting than expected.

Honestly, I think the person who's content with posting dank memes about Trump, and otherwise not sufficiently worried about the risk of a Trump presidency to get off the couch on election day, is probably not watching the VP debates in the first place (or has only been watching to get further material for dank memes,

So the emerging narrative is that Pence won, by denying Trump.

Yeah, I think I usually have a somewhat distorted view from engaging with the site rather selectively. I imagine that's what some redditors must feel like when they venture out of their favourite subredits.

I don't know. I'm kinda judging you, but I wouldn't speak for the books in general.

I think the covers have been chosen very deliberately to provoke exactly this kind of debate. People like to say they are deceiving. In some sense they are; in some sense they aren't.