Adele Quested

Don't you know, women's lifes are just too damn dull if you don't throw in a rape or two.

Valentine's Day? - At home, with my parents. Mum was pissed because Dad had apparently forgotten it - he was out with his buddies "ice-stick shooting" (think curling, but quainter). She was also pissed at me, because apparently it would have been my job to remind him. So I was pissed at her, because I think that's an

What you measure is what you get…. but then again, all the things really worth getting are mostly beyond measure (except for money; who could be surprised that people are so focussed on it?).

The best proof for the innateness of sexual orientation. I don't have enough of a libido to bother. The older I get, the more grateful I am about this.

Liv and Major are obviously endgame, but I wouldn't mind Drake staying around as an interim love interest for a couple of episodes.

Joan and Don had this "game recognizes game" thing going, and I'm sure they were not blind to the fact that they're both very conventionally attractive. But Don clearly had no role for her in his psychosexual drama, and she would have never auditionned for it anyway.

Cordy = something, Angel = someone? Might wanna correct that particular typo, lest someone confuses it for a Freudian slip.

I was against that ship at the start, because it seemed like too much of a foregone conclusion to me. (And I alreay really liked Ethan and Brona). But the show has really earned it at this point.

I'm so conflicted about it. I can see why Amy might go for it - they've got some sexual tension already; she's doesn't have enough of a private life to develop it with other guys - it's downright efficient! - but I think Dan will always want someone he can snow; he's too much of a chicken to risk any intimacy with

Way to erase asexuals.

Way to erase asexuals.

As long as you don't become a tinhatter who will post pages and pages of conspiracy theories why the ship is totally real and start sending hate-mail to the actual wife/husband; girlfriend/boyfriend.

I have a couple of anti-ships I'm actually way more invested in than all my ships together (eg. I hardly mind when my ships are never made canon, but when my anti-ships are, it's a dealbreaker). And Don/Peggy is defenitely one of them. (Second place: Liz/Jack in 30 Rock)

It's totally possible to ship without engaging in any shipping wars. You can enjoy things without making a religion of them.

How weird and lonely do you have to be to care about fictional people doing anything? Hello, it's fiction! It's not even real!

Well, what's your case for authorial intent? Why _should_ it matter?

Yes to Ray and Marnie, now that I think of it. I mean, I wouldn't look for Ray/Marnie smut on Archives of our Own or something, but I totally root for them in the show. Mostly because I also tend to find Marnie a bit less shitty than common consensus has it, while I too can see the shittier sides of Ray, so I think he

Well, communication is a two-way street. If your partner won't realize the depth of the trouble, until you break down in tears before him, he's being conveniently obtuse. I think it's okay to stop investing a lot of effort in that kind of relationship. At some point you gotta cut your losses.

Yeah, from my specific outside looking in, that particular distinction is academical at best. If I had been the woman in question and the guy had used that framing, I wouldn't have been any less annoyed. Besides, wanting your wife to be just like mom is a bit of an issue, whether mom fit into traditional gender roles

Seriously, people, you're not actually turned into a lobster eventually if you don't pair up.