Adele Quested

Of course I'm not; I'm an adult.


Thanks. I really hope it works out. The contract is just till April, but they seemed fairly optimistic that they would still have use for me after that. It's just substituting for someone on maternity leave, and it's just part time, but I'm finally properly insured again! No more Mrs. "Self-Employed"!

Some people just like things better in theory than in practice. Not every armchair general would actually enjoy the experience of a battle.

I'm the resident defender of labels and tumblr, but that one grates on me too. I mean, my buttons are not easily pushed either - I wouldn't necessarily want to bang just anyone I find pleasant to look at. But I've definitely been attracted to people without having a particularly meaningful connection with them, for

That's because the word "like" is generally so vague as to be useless. What exactly _do_you mean by it? What would someone have to do to make you feel "liked"? Would you feel "liked" if they add you as their boyfriend on facebook and introduce you to their parents, but only agree to sleep with you on birthdays and

Eating less is more effective anyway (in my experience.). But be careful not to develop an eating disorder.

Herr, es ist Zeit. Der Sommer war sehr groß.
Leg deinen Schatten auf die Sonnenuhren,
und auf den Fluren lass die Winde los.

I probably can't participate all that much in the Savage Love comments in the future, because I'm no longer dramatically underemployed (for the moment; let's not jinx it). So now I have to work, while you're having fun here, and once I get round to commenting, the discussion has already died down. Which is sad. On

And if they didn't, you probably wouldn't find it hot in the first place. The thrill of transgression is quite a bit about the risk of disgusting other people. No risk, no fun.

That makes a lot of sense to me.

Trust me, they're not standing in line for me either. But "seems to like me" is not enough. It's a nice ego-boost at first, but that wears off. And then it just makes you feel guilty, because you can't quite return the affection to the same degree and you get annoyed at all the sacrifices any relationships requires -

Me too, I feel bad about letting go of books, but I also don't have enough shelves. People not returning my books kinda solves the problem for me, without me having to make a conscious choice.

I don't think you have to worry about that. My experience with people who are passionate about literature is that the more time they spend reading and talking about it, they more gauche they consider it to be snobby about genre. To me, making a big production about looking down on Terry Pratchett and Co. is for posers

If you're talking about perfect clarity…. well, that's elusive anyway. Even for veterans on the relationship front. You might always discover something new. But the basics… I would guess that most people who are not into CBT don't feel a strong need to try out CBT before they can claim with reasonable confidence that

That would be my gut reaction as well, but I've become really wary of that line of argument, because radfems use it as a stick to beat trans people with, and I want nothing to do with that. I suppose genderfluid people would argue that they're feeling just like trans people about this, only less consistently.

So just about anyone would do? That's going to make your hypothetical beloved one truly special, I bet. From what I've seen "being reasonably fond of each other" might be enough for a low-key friendship, but when it comes to romance … if you don't share enough common interests, you'll run out of things to say to each

Well, you might get away with dull stereotypes if the movie has other qualities, but the review gave the impression of a general lack of redeeming features here.

Fair enough.

But why would that make her criticism any less valid?