Adele Quested

Of course you're going to be more cautious about the likelier risks. I would hope that most guys wouldn't see themselves going full MRA any time soon, but everybody who's halfway self-aware has probably had a brush with some lamentable nice-guy-tendencies (me too and I'm a woman). I think that makes a lot of sense

If you don't want to imply the noxious "obligation" part, the "combination" of these two facts is not particularly relevant, so why mention it? Everybody's got a right to be sad and frustrated, and even vocally so! But it's never too early to learn how to uphold Grice's maxims of cooperative communication - in this

Well, then the guy has nothing to blame but his own shallowness. Clearly he didn't pick that particular object of affection for her great personality.

I think a lot of guys also have a hard time admitting to themselves that they're actually not into it right now, precisely because of that wide-spread "of course real guys are always up for it"-rhetoric we've seen up there. So even is the sex would be not enjoyable per se, it would make them feel at least normal and

In the most abstract sense, maybe. But the lack of follow thru kinda is a problem, even here. Lots of dudes not spending a lot of thought on sussing out the precise implications. Granted, I do think that the a.v. club is better than a lot of other places on the internet in this regard, but trust me, you don't want to

I think no one questioned that they have a right to do this. The question is whether them doing so promotes the cause of feminism. And since the cause of feminism is the empowerment of women as a class, and not just of individul women, I would answer that question with no. (Exception: the womanists, as already

Trust me, I'm a woman, and other women tell me that I'm doing feminism wrong all the time. They might be right. I certainly think that some of them are doing feminism wrong. (*cough* ..terfs *cough*) . And I might tell them so as well, if I still have hope for productive debate. There may be common goals, but there

I'd rather trust you as an ally than scores of those self-declared male feminists bringing it up at any given opportunity. The best way to make yourself known as an ally is to act like one.

Important point. I'm a card-carrying feminist, and I actually think it's important to be, but I'd never conclude that women who aren't are fragile damsels in distress too spineless or stupid or victimized to pursue their own best interests. They can be very strong, and, in some senses (often those most tangible, on a

Moi, I think it does take a bit more than that. Feminsm doesn't just mean acknowledging that women should have the same rights as men, it also means acknowledging that this absolutely isn't actually the case yet, even in a western society with technical equality on a purely legalistic level, and that we still can and


But the people who aren't dickheads are always a minorty. I've certainly met my fair share of grade-A dickhead femnists, running in such circles, so I take your word on that. But non-femnists being less likely to be dickheads? - Not my experience at all.

That may be true in some cases, but in many others the abuser is perfectly able to manage their anger in the presence of people who would retaliate. They hurt you because they trust you not to hurt them back, not because they can't control it.

Oh please. She doesn't need to be remotedly perfect to be preferable to you. You're setting the bar embarrasingly low here.

My super Catholic parents absolutely had sex before marriage, but they were still catholic enough for mum to marry in Tracht instead of white because of that. (Although mum claims now that this was because she wanted to be able to reuse the dirndle dress for other occasions).

My sympathies. Of all the inferiority complexes people feel the need to compensate for, intellectual inferiority complexes lead to the least amusing results for innocent bystanders.

Insufferably precious. And I say that as someone who has an above average tolerance for all kinds of neologisms in that area. But "sapiosexual" is just trying way too hard.

He' supposed to get a chapter in Winds of Winter where shit goes down. Maybe he'll end up doing something worthy of being depicted by McShane? To say it with Natasha Bedingfield, the rest is still unwritten.

Definitely. He's an anime villain in the wrong genre; they rarely reach those distinguished ages. Fanart of him tends to remind me of Greebo, Nanny Ogg's cat in human form.

I guess all pleasures are fleeting and that's the truly blues-inducing thing about them. Or maybe blues is a wave and bliss is a particle. Also, there's a reason why they call it the petite mort. Not so petite in such a case, one might speculate. Maybe the intensity of the experience is also reflected in the